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  1. LavenderGlenn

    Californian Kit w/ Long hair?

    :whatWell, my kits are 9 weeks old now and one has about 1/3 larger mass due to and I am not kidding: Long Hair/Fur. The breeder had zero rabbits with long fur when I picked up the doe and buck. They are pedigree lines. So... huh?! What?! Also some other stranger things are going on with...
  2. LavenderGlenn

    Green Bean Leaves?

    Is it okay to feed adult rabbits green bean leaves as a smaller supplement to their diet?
  3. LavenderGlenn

    Rabbit kits with solid "poopy" fur and slightly poppy bottoms?

    No it's all elevated and I cut back on Kale since posting this. They're doing better but another friend who raises rabbits says it could just be the cold weather making them not want to leave the "huddle" to poop.
  4. LavenderGlenn

    Weaned too soon?

    I would include treats as an incentive for good behavior. They're highly motivated by them.
  5. LavenderGlenn

    Rabbits don't like exercise

    It may have to do with the fact that they are in a new environment and are not curious about wanting to explore. I have kits that like their hutch more than the run and I have had to move them to the run several times to get them to explore. I've also had "houdinis" that somehow get out of...
  6. LavenderGlenn

    Rabbit kits with solid "poopy" fur and slightly poppy bottoms?

    Oh, and it's generally one to three poops. I meant that there is solid poop on the fur not that they are completely covered. Yikes!
  7. LavenderGlenn

    Weaned too soon?

    It seems like he's more bored or lonely than anything else. Do you give him toys to play with or is there a companion nearby? It also could be the fact that he comes from a less than caring breeder. I've spoken with many breeders that handle the kits as soon as they're fully furred and the...
  8. LavenderGlenn

    Rabbit kits with solid "poopy" fur and slightly poppy bottoms?

    Alright, this to me is a serious topic because I am not sure what I am doing wrong or if it is normal behavior for rabbit kits. My litter of 8 rabbit kits are now four weeks old. They're in a large 3' x 2'6" x 7' hutch with their mother. They have an enclosed area to roam in where they were...
  9. LavenderGlenn

    Average weight?

    Thank you! She's a doll when it comes to temperament. I wish she would live as long as I hope to and that's one of the reasons why I am going to breed her. I really want her disposition to be passed down.
  10. LavenderGlenn

    Average weight?

    Thank you much! :bunnyhug:I like the blog's information and it is interesting.
  11. LavenderGlenn

    Going to the vet for a wellness rabbits need shots

    I just remembered that you're in ND. It is possible they have a VHD vaccine up there since there were outbreaks in the Midwest. I would ask the receptionist again what she is talking about specifically.
  12. LavenderGlenn

    Going to the vet for a wellness rabbits need shots

    I take that back and sincerest apologies. I, after reading your comment, talked with my local vet and even though there have been outbreaks of diseases with vaccines abroad there's nothing available in the USA. Here are the ones to look out for: Myxomatosis- The virus is commonly confused...
  13. LavenderGlenn

    Going to the vet for a wellness rabbits need shots

    If she's inside and not running around in areas common for other pets then she will be fine without shots; however, if she's running around on the same surfaces as dogs, cats, mice, rats, or in entry ways nibbling on grass that was stuck to the bottom of someone's shoe or was tracked in somehow...
  14. LavenderGlenn

    Feed for a nursing doe?

    I will go to the Tractor Supply in the city for the next litter.
  15. LavenderGlenn

    Feed for a nursing doe?

    Thank you! I haven't been able to find Calf Manna; however, it seems that they're all doing fine with what we have. 14 days strong and healthy large babies.