Recent content by LauraBerridge

Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. LauraBerridge

    Do rabbits recognize their owners?

    100% My bun recognises me, she comes to find me and when I walk up to her she comes running yet when Someone else does she doesn’t even look up! They know! For sure! Xxxx
  2. LauraBerridge

    Let's just take a moment...

    I’ve only had Ruby for 6 days and my heart is so full. She’s just perfect and I love her, we’ve got such a bond already! Xxxx
  3. LauraBerridge

    Introducing Ruby the Rabbit!

    Ruby was found abandoned on a park bench and the wonderful RSPCA brought her back to health! She was brought to me this morning and I’m going to give her a wonderful life! She’s SO affectionate and loving already despite her mistreatment and abuse! I’m in love 😍
  4. LauraBerridge

    A list of questions ( only if anyone has time ) X

    Oh thank you SO much!!! That’s all brilliant! I’m going to go check out your website now, thanks so much for everything! Xxx
  5. LauraBerridge

    A list of questions ( only if anyone has time ) X

    Hello! I’m really really sorry for all these questions, but if anyone could answer just a few of them even, I would massively massively appreciate it! I’ve googled a lot of my questions but can’t really find any definitive answers for these! I’ve been writing this for a while so hopefully I’ve...
  6. LauraBerridge

    Best Rabbit Food?

    Right, excellent shout! Oh good, I’m glad you said that because I do have a few more hehe, I’m googling everything and I’ve bought some books but some things can only be answered by actual real life bunny owners! Thank you! X
  7. LauraBerridge

    Best Rabbit Food?

    Hi zuppa! Well I haven’t actually bought my bunny yet, ( I’m going to go to a private breeder rather than a pet shop, that’s best isn’t it?) I’m currently just getting everything ready, preparing absolutely anything! I want to get a dwarf lop ( called Ruby 🥰 ) So if I go for Timothy hay and...
  8. LauraBerridge

    Best Rabbit Food?

    Omg thank you so much!!! That’s SO helpful!!! Right off to the online shop! Thank you thank you! xx
  9. LauraBerridge

    Best Rabbit Food?

    What brand are the healthiest rabbit pellets? I’ve researched so much, and apparently the pets at home ones aren’t great? I need ones with high fibre content don’t I? Please tell me which brand to buy, there’s millions out there! Also, is Timothy hay a good shout? thanks so much Laura x
  10. LauraBerridge

    Just saying hello!

    Awww! I bet he’s loving all the extra attention! Ruby is my nans name, she says she’s honoured to have a bunny named after her hehe xxxxx
  11. LauraBerridge

    Just saying hello!

    Hello! I’m a brand new soon-to-be rabbit owner! I’m currently getting all her things ready and buying things slowly ( this pandemic slightly impeding my shopping hehe ) I’m going to get a Holland Lop and call her Ruby! I keep googling questions about house rabbits and the answers are always on...