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  1. K


    Thank you everybody for the welcome!! You will definitely see more pictures of Allister! He is such a character! Susan, no she never really tried to run away, she kept pretty closetabs. I remember we put her at the bottom the hill once to see what shewould do, she ran right up to our door and...
  2. K

    You're invading my personal bubble. . .

    Here's mine!! He's not really close close, but he is close!
  3. K


    Hey all. My name is Annie. I am a 16 year old11th grader. I have many interests but my favorite ones are my animals,I've got many, horseback riding, photography, HTML, and I'm sure I'mforgetting something. I have been horseback riding ever since I was 7 years old, I didEnglish or Hunt Seat for...