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  1. jama

    Is she playing with me?

    Lately my bunny has been doing two interesting/different things and I can't tell if she's playing or if she's scared/angry. Whenever I feed her, I use a measuring cup - 1/4 cup because that's what the bag says to do. However, when I stick my hand in her cage to pour it in her bowl, she gets on...
  2. jama

    Not drinking as much water...

    I have noticed that when my bunny has hay, she doesn't drink water... but once that hay is gone, she slurps it down like crazy. If he's been without water for this long, and he still acts okay, I'm sure he's fine. Just keep an eye out and you might even try letting him run out of hay and see if...
  3. jama

    Not drinking as much water...

    I was gone all day today and had my roommate take care of her and she drank a full bowl of water today... yay! So yeah, I am assuming it was the veggies. Thanks for the help!
  4. jama

    Not drinking as much water...

    Becca, I have been giving her a few carrots, so maybe that's it. Her poops are normal.
  5. jama

    Not drinking as much water...

    She still eats the same amount and the bowls haven't moved or changed. The only thing I can think of that has changed is her time outside the cage. She still gets plenty of time out, but it's not as much as she's used to. Would that do something to her?
  6. jama

    Not drinking as much water...

    When I first got my bun, she drank a bowl of water a day, but starting last week she has barely been getting through half a bowl of water a day. I'm kinda worried... is this okay??
  7. jama

    I might as well give up on buying her toys...

    athena_bysk08 wrote: Nope, at least I haven't noticed.... she just rolls on it and pushes it around the room. She really is a good bun... minus a few carpet problems... haha.
  8. jama

    I might as well give up on buying her toys...

    Thanks guys.... I will try to take a video this week sometime.
  9. jama

    Scratching carpet... chewing...pulling...

    When I first got my bunny, she never scratched, never chewed on cords...she just minded her own business... until this week. She recently started tearing up the carpet... I have only found one spot so far but I don't know what to do. She doesn't understand "no." How can I train her to not do...
  10. jama

    I might as well give up on buying her toys...

    ...cause all she likes to do is roll around on this pillow.:P
  11. jama

    Jama's Blog

    Thanks guys. Well... lately I have been feeling frustrated because she has started to bite. I don't get it.... she was so gentle and kind when I first got her but now she bites me whenever I am near her. Actually, I guess it's not a full "bite" (she never draws blood), it's more like a nip. I...
  12. jama

    How long will it take?

    Maybe I am just impatient but I really want to be able to hold my bunny but she doesn't let me! She will let me pick her up to put her in her cage, but if I try to just hold her, she gets upset and starts kicking. :( It's weird to me because she is a show bunny so I thought she would be used to...
  13. jama

    Jama's Blog

    OK! :D I put some in my intro post, but I'll re-post them here with a few more. The only camera I have right now is my phone but I think these turned out okay. I know... it looks like I'm picking for fleas, but she likes her head scratched like that.
  14. jama

    Jama's Blog

    Hellloooo.... I just recently joined here and thought I would start a blog. I just got my first bun on Tuesday night. She is a Tan and her name is Hazel. I got her from a local petstore for free because someone found her in their yard and dropped her off there. She is very friendly and loves to...
  15. jama

    General Questions

    Ahhh, more questions! I haven't bought her a litter box yet... only because the pet store people said it wasn't necessary, but I think it would be a good idea. She acts like she doesn't like being in there when there is poo in the bedding. What kind of litter should I get? Can I give her...