Recent content by GoldEmpress

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  1. GoldEmpress

    Litter training while in cage

    Hi, I'm in need of big help. I have two bunnies, six months old each, and they are giving me the biggest headache of my life. I'm attempting to litter box train them but they seem to enjoy peeing everywhere but their litter box. I've tried everything I know that usually works with other rabbits...
  2. GoldEmpress

    A Pocket Pet Toy Giveaway!

    My couple wants that!
  3. GoldEmpress

    Poop and Pee

    They're about just over two months, incredibly shy and hunger all the time. They like to chew on people's fingers, mess up their house, scatter their food and they pee and poop a lot!Currently I'm looking for names for these new babies but their temporary names are Poop and Pee (since they like...
  4. GoldEmpress

    BunnyRabbitToys Giveaway!

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