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  1. C

    Help! Trouble peeing

    You can see and hear him pushing. He puffs up a little (which is normal when he goes) and you can hear him make a noise (which is not normal). He's trying to go in various places in his cage from the litter box, to the corner where his hay is, to outside of his litter box and he's changing...
  2. C

    Help! Trouble peeing

    I'm sorry I meant that the morning is 9 hours away. It's about 11pm PST and the vet doesn't open until 8am. I will call and take him first thing in the morning. Dopey has a wonderful vet in San Jose who adores him. I just hate seeing and hearing him struggle so much right now.
  3. C

    Help! Trouble peeing

    Hi Fellow Bunny Lovers, Dopey is having trouble peeing right now, he's struggling to go. You can see and hear him struggling... and it's breaking my heart because I don't know what to do. I'm not sure what the problem is or if there is anything I can do immediately to help him? I can take him...
  4. C

    Bladder infection? Urine problems?

    His water consumption is normal. Like I said, nothing has changed with him... he's still a happy active bunny that loves to run around and lay with me. He goes through a 1/4 of pellets every other day, so I'm not overloading him with pellets. Maybe they got his breed mixed up? I did get him...
  5. C

    Bladder infection? Urine problems?

    Thank you LakeCondo and MissyCove. He has plenty of access to hay and pellets, I will cut out his veggies for a while (he's not going to like that, lol). His hair tends to mat around his butt and I've always taken him to the vet for a trim... they've never mentioned anything about it being a...
  6. C

    Bladder infection? Urine problems?

    Hello Fellow Bunny Lovers, I'm not sure if I'm over-reacting, but The past two days Dopey's butt has had traces of urine around it. Specifically, he has some matted fur around his butt and that has traces of urine in it. This has never happened to him before (the urine part). Usually I take him...
  7. C

    Going on vacation... Where to house bunny?

    Hi All, I just wanted to get everyones opinion or insight on this. We are going on vacation for a week and we have to leave our rabbit at home. In the past my parents took care of him when we went on vacation They would come over and take him out for a few hours each day, but this time...
  8. C

    Flaky/crusted skin.... do we need to go to the vet????

    Hi... I need some advice, I don't know if this issue is serious enough... where I have to take Dopey into the vet. I noticed today that he has a patch of dry flaky/crusted skin, the size of a penny (a little bigger though), behind his neck. It looks and flakes off like dandruff, but there are...
  9. C

    Help! Right eye is rolling up a little

    Hi Tony, Thank you soooo much for responding, it's good to know this information! I made an appoitment with the vet this morning after no responses... I started to really panic. I'm taking Dopey in after I get off of work. I'm crossing my fingers and praying that he will be okay and...
  10. C

    Help! Right eye is rolling up a little

    I don't know what to do, I don't know if I am over reacting..... but I noticed that my Dopey's right eye rolls up a little, like a centimeter or two and you can see the white of his eye (I don't know what part of the eye it's called, but it's outside of his brown eyes). I've never noticed this...