Recent content by BouncingBunnyBrunswick

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  1. B

    Eastern Cottontail makes odd noises

    Brunswick isn't really a pet per se. She is more like a roommate with their own agenda and such... But yeah.. the problem is finding someone who will take them. The vet I went to for a check up gave me a list of people to call all over the state for rehab purposes should Brunswick get stressed...
  2. B

    Eastern Cottontail makes odd noises

    Wait.... that's weird... No one I have come across in this Bunny City, USA has problems with raising cottontails. They have become a sorta de facto temporary pet for college students around here since they are easily found young and everyone thinks the poor things have been orphaned. In fact...
  3. B

    Eastern Cottontail makes odd noises

    That statement not only wins you the forum, but the entire internet as well!:laugh: Anywho, I got her because she was savaged by a cat when she was young and I nursed her back to health. The rehabbers just told me the same thing: wait until the thaw.
  4. B

    Eastern Cottontail makes odd noises

    errrm.... Cottontails don't dig holes, live in warrens, or are very social by nature (which is why I was confused by the vocalizations... why vocalize when you're not a social species to begin with). Are you sure you're living on the right side of the pond? Lol! :D I called the rehabbers before...
  5. B

    Eastern Cottontail makes odd noises

    Hello again. For those of you that doesn't know, I currently have a rescued Eastern Cottontail living free in my apt. Her name is Brunswick. I also have a young Flemish Giant who goes by the moniker Sedgewick. They are both house rabbits, although Sedgewick does have a pen since she can't be...
  6. B

    I had loads of fun this week!

    Hello Clement! Your fur is gorgeous! Sometimes I wish my fur was more usual, but my bunny slave said that nature gave me my color to keep me safe... not that it helped much... I was attacked by a cat when I was a baby after all...:cry2. My bunny slave told me that I have a cat brother, but I...
  7. B

    Tired Buns!!!*

    Here's my little Brunswick chillin' in her cardboard house. She loves to sprawl out wherever it suits her.
  8. B

    Bunny Bonding and Body Odor

    Thanks for the advice. Thankfully, some of my natural habits are aiding me in this: I love laying on the floor (boo chairs) and I'm a vegetarian (who eats on the floor! Super yummy accessible food smells!) Currently, due to an aggravated surgery, I have been sleeping on the floor in the main...
  9. B

    Bunny Bonding and Body Odor

    So I have a little wild 3 mo girl named Brunswick. She's litter boxed trained and roams freely in my apartment, which has been bunny-proofed. She is rather happy: zooming around the room, binking up a storm, finding delightful treats to nom, and climbing over every object that is climbable. She...
  10. B

    Rescued Eastern Cottontail

    Ok... now you got me curious. A flat head is an indicator of what? Oh, another quick question that I couldn't figure out the answer to even with the wise and vast internets: can cottontails crossbreed with domesticated rabbits? On a side note, Brunswick's population does live on an island with...
  11. B

    Rescued Eastern Cottontail

    Ahh.... Brunswick will apparently will be cute if she figures out that I'm eating a salad on the floor. Here she is searching out some noms.... She does look like a cottontail, doesn't she?
  12. B

    I had loads of fun this week!

    Hello, my name is Brunswick and this is my first post. My bunny slave says that I am a very smart bunny. I think really hard about things before I do them. A few days ago I thought and thought really hard before jumping on the large white thing in the bathroom. This thing looked very solid, like...
  13. B

    Rescued Eastern Cottontail

    I've been trying to get a super cute pic of my little rescue, but she mocks all my attempts. Here's her thumbing her furry nose at me by devouring my camera case. Enjoy.
  14. B

    Rescued Eastern Cottontail

    Brunswick was being extra binky when I got home today... probably because I FINALLY fixed my internet so she can watch shows again! lol! Anyways, here's some dramatic footage of her being hyper: zooming under my legs and climbing the treacherous Mt. Backpack. Unfortunately, these were the only...
  15. B

    Rescued Eastern Cottontail

    I don't know why she's friendly. I think curiosity just gets the best of her. Now, she does NOT like being held or petted, and she's running around this morning like I betrayed her terribly since I thought some cuddling might do her some good. ACK! She's sneaking up on me and tickling me with...