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  1. B

    Just got my girl spayed today

    thanks for the comments!!! everything is going great! The doc sent some meds home and she has been taking them pretty easily. She is trying to snuggle chester through the cage. He seems to be more on edge than she is...Odd...I will try to keep them separate for awhile. What happens if he breaks...
  2. B

    Just got my girl spayed today

    Hey everyone!!!! I just took my girl Mabel in to get spayed today. Procedure went great and I was very impressed with the doctor. She was living with a neutered male until today. I seperated their x pen down the middle with NIC panels so she can recover. Im worried that he is not taking well...
  3. B

    possible rabbit injury

    The top piece its self is not heavy but it did have the force to the whole vacuum with it. it hit her in her side i believe. I turned around and just caught a glimpse of where it hit her and her scurry off. Im just worried. but ya think as long as she isn't showing any other signs of trauma that...
  4. B

    possible rabbit injury

    I was cleaning out my rabbit room and had the vacuum out its a dyson and the extender wand with trust was up but still attached to the vacuum. i was grabbing their blankets to throw them in the wash when i bumped the vacuum and it fell over. the end of the extender wand with the brush landed on...
  5. B

    New bunny bonding question

    Thanks for all the help!!! I'm gonna give him some more time and see how it goes....
  6. B

    New bunny bonding question

    It has only been about ten days since his neuter is that long enough? Right now they are in cages near each other and seem vey interested. I have allowed him to sniff her through the bars and she pressed her face through and he licked her nose. I feel like that is a good sign. As soon as she is...
  7. B

    New bunny bonding question

    I have a five month old neutered male. I just got an eight week old female and I want to start bonding them. I was advised by my breeder to start right I need to wait until she is old enough to be fixed?
  8. B

    Adding Xpen for more play area

    ok sounds great I am going to order the 36 inch ones. For those of you who use the x pens how many sets did you link together?
  9. B

    Adding Xpen for more play area

    What height do you all recommend? and how many sets of eight?
  10. B

    Dig box

    Can a rabbit differentiate between a dig box and a litter box ? Do you leave the dig box out all the time or is it more of a treat?
  11. B

    New baby Bunny

    Great that is what I was planning on. At what age do most people spay their little girls?
  12. B

    New baby Bunny

    A few more questions. What do you use as substrate for the bottom of the cage? And what is the best choice for litter?
  13. B

    New baby Bunny

    And yes I am well aware there is a huge difference but I do know that between this little girl and my dogs. However I do know that rabbits are incredibly intelligent. I would like to channel that into a few commands that will make life a little easier. Im hoping that it is never too soon to...
  14. B

    New baby Bunny

    Thanks for your reply! I did think of another question. If I have her base cage on a higher level than the area I let her run around can I put another litter box on the ground and will she use both?
  15. B

    New baby Bunny

    Hi everyone I just got a new little girl. Who kinda fell into our lives. I have had rabbits all my life but i am out of practice for a few years. Looking back on my previous rabbits I think there are a few things I would like to do differently. So I have dove head first into all this...