Recent content by ashley.guadarrama

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    Rabbit Eats Everything

    Awwee thats so cute. A gate was my first step and cilantro cleared it easily and it was a tall one. I dont know what to do at this point little man is a houdini bun
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    Rabbit Eats Everything

    You were 100% right the problem is my cats dont eat all their food in one sitting and cilantro will look for the tiniest morsel of cat food to eat. I also feel like my cats may be enabling cilantro because i find them carrying bits of food around the house
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    Rabbit Eats Everything

    Yeah, i tried this but they dont eat their food and i tried blocking off the area to the food but little man cilantro is determined to be a cat
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    Rabbit Eats Everything

    I tried that but oddly enough I have cat Subny that is afraid of heights. Shes a 6 year old maincoon mix and ive had her since she was 5mo and not once have i been able to get her to climb higher that my hip and im 5ft 2 in so not high. When i cary her she starts panicking unless i hold her like...
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    An Unexpected Guest

    Oh no! it Looks like he lived a great life with an amazing fur parent.
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    PLEASE HELP- injured rabbit

    yes take her to the vet asap. with rabbits its always best to take them to a rabbit savvy vet for any injuries
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    Rabbit Eats Everything

    Hi Ya'll, I have been a bun mom for over 4 years and my Original boy was amazing. Dobby was a double maned Lion Head 4 mo baby boy bun who was free roamed in my house. He was super outgoing loved to play with everything and anyone. he loved interacting with my 2 cats who are also free roamed and...
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    1week Post op Neuter

    Thank you so much. His swelling is gone. Hes still a bit nippy and distanced from me and his buddy but they are slowly mending their bond
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    1week Post op Neuter

    This is Cilantros Set up right now he usually free roams with my other neutered bunny Lionel but for safety we seperated them.
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    1week Post op Neuter

    Hello, I have a 5mo holland lop boy Cilantro. I neutered him this past saturday on 8/20/2022 the day of i saw he had one very swollen scrotal sac bright pink. Now its been 6days and hes active wanting to play but his sac is still swollen not as bright or large but he wont let me touch it so i...
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    Both testicles swollen after neuter??

    Hi did you seperate them? My buns one is 3yo and already neutered but hes bonded to his buddy that is 6mo and he got neutered today but idk if i should seperate them they dont seem happy apart but im warry