Koda is TOO perfect... should I be worried?

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Active Member
Nov 16, 2012
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Portland, Oregon, USA
Before and after adopting Koda (1 year old harlequin English lop), I did my research to find exactly the ups and downs of being a bunny parent and looked up almost every single bunny behavior I could scour. It's been nearly 3 months and Koda is the most perfect angel... and I'm a little worried. XD

Koda doesn't chew on cords (he did ONCE, but only briefly and barely did any damage), always goes potty in his cage (has a litter box in there) and doesn't bite. Heck, he's even learning tricks by ear! (When I say "UP UP UP!" he'll stand on his hind legs and beg without the coaching of my hand or the coaxing with a treat in hand). Sometimes I worry because I feel like he's bored when he flops over on his side entirely without any movement, but maybe he's just totally relaxed?

I feel foolish for even asking this, but should I be worried that he's TOO perfect? I mean, on rare occasions he will have a dropping here and there in the living room, but that's easily fixed. I tell people about my perfect little angle and some say it's -strange- he isn't as naughty as other rabbits with their owners.

Is he just a good bunny, or am I just waiting for him to destroy the house one day? HAHA!
My Conan wasn't t perfect, but damnable near. I really thought Id have some pitfalls but he was the easiest pet Ive ever had to deal with. Now, I cant say he'll do tricks and such but I know I don't have to worry about things too much when he's free roaming the house and that's fine by me. Congratulations on your little angel and enjoy.
Lol Awh. If you were to ask me I'd say both my buns were perfect in different ways :bunnybutt:
You are lucky though and he seems to be a keeper!!
He sounds like a sweet, sweet boy :)

My Agnes is "perfect" too. Archie, not so much, hehe, but I still love him. I just think every rabbit is different and every human is different so perfect just depends. My husband loves the way Archie is. Like, he thinks his orneriness and his complaining is hysterical and says it gives him spunk.
I think rabbits are just entertaining all around and they make better pets than they sometimes get credit for :) I admit, when I got Agnes almost a year ago, it had been 20 years since I had had a rabbit and it took me by a little surprise how awesome she is.
We have had a few that didn't bother anything--truly a joy to be with--but also truly the exception rather than the rule. We even had one out of 37 so far that only used her litter box and left nothing anywhere else while most seem to feel the world (floor) is their litter box.
Just relax and enjoy it! You never know, it may not last. Hopefully he is just a good boy and the fact that he isn't being mischevious is simply because he is happy and content.
Twigs is close to perfect too. I say close because he does love to chew on my shoes and the couch. But other then that he doesn't chew cords and uses his litter box 99% of the time. The other 1% is right next to his litter box.
Haha, good to know, guys! Thanks for your input. Koda is my first bunny so I had no idea what to expect. He's just my little angel! :) Honestly I'm thinking of writing a children's book about Koda (I love to illustrate and write) so I'll let you guys know how the planning goes. ;) Hehe
I wouldn't worry, but because he IS your first bunny I would just say to be aware that not ALL bunnies are so lovely :D haha
I admit, when I got Agnes almost a year ago, it had been 20 years since I had had a rabbit and it took me by a little surprise how awesome she is.

You know I feel the same way about my a Conan. I took care of a rabbit when I was younger (was my aunts) and I thought it stunk, was mean and all it did was poop. That one was outdoors and no one in the old country truly considered rabbits house pets. Now I know different and its such a great experience.
I'll admit, after I adopted Cricket I repeatedly remarked about how perfect she is. Except to pee on the rugs next to Watson's crate while they were bonding, she has never gone outside the box. While I was bonding them, he would bite her on the butt and she'd just ignore it, plus, she's gorgeous!
I get frustrated when strangers strike up a conversation with me about my bunnies and then say, 'IN THE HOUSE?! DONT THEY STINK?!"

I want to scream....if you take care of them they shouldn't! One lady insisted to me that rabbits smelled far too much to keep indoors and I'd change my tune soon .... PUH LEEEEZ LADY! I dump the litter boxes daily...twice daily for bing (not sure why but his urine stinks a lot more than Charlie's) I think we will all live happily ever after :D

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