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Tippys Mom

New Member
Jun 26, 2004
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Hi everybunny!

I am new to this forum and wanted to introduce myself.I have a fourteenweek old holland lop doe named Tippy.I have had rabbits before but ithas been many years and so much more is known than when I last hadbuns.I have been an animal lover all my life and have worked with manyanimal rescue organizations over the years.I have been able to help alot of animals but there are so many more out there that need help. Iwas appalled to learn how many pet rabbits end up in shelters becausethey were purchased as children's pets and when they became "too muchtrouble" they were released or reliquinshed to shelters.

I have lots of questions since I really feel like a newbie bun owner.Iknow how great people are who use forums like these so when alive chat I belong to mentioned this group I wanted to join rightaway.I look forward to getting to know everyone.

Thanks to the person who helped me get my username adjusted so I could post.I am sending a picture of my baby, Tippy


Tippy's Mom
Welcome!!! What a cute bunny!!! I havent really seen a ugly one yet. I love them all.

Welcome to the forum! You'll get great advice andmore laughs here than imaginable...not to mention the great people hereto boot!

i love your bun!!!!!!!!11

i have a holland lop as well her name is lyla they are just little bundles of furry bunny fun!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome Tippy'sMom!

Beautiful picture of Tippy!

WELCOME! :Dit's always great having newmembers as it means more people to talk too and more views and opinionsto be shared. I love the picture of your rabbit Tippy, so sweet!

Love Carrots x
Ohhhh she's soooooo cute!! She remindsme of a little cow (which I love!) because of her colors!Welcome to the board and give her a hug for me!
Tippy is TOO precious! Just love thelittle ears and the colors! A real beauty! Welcometo the boards!

Tippys Mom wrote:
Hi everybunny!

I am new to this forum and wanted to introduce myself.I have a fourteenweek old holland lop doe named Tippy.I have had rabbits before but ithas been many years and so much more is known than when I last hadbuns.I have been an animal lover all my life and have worked with manyanimal rescue organizations over the years.I have been able to help alot of animals but there are so many more out there that need help. Iwas appalled to learn how many pet rabbits end up in shelters becausethey were purchased as children's pets and when they became "too muchtrouble" they were released or reliquinshed to shelters.

I have lots of questions since I really feel like a newbie bun owner.Iknow how great people are who use forums like these so when alive chat I belong to mentioned this group I wanted to join rightaway.I look forward to getting to know everyone.

Thanks to the person who helped me get my username adjusted so I could post.I am sending a picture of my baby, Tippy


Tippy's Mom

Welcome to this forum.Your Tippy is a real beauty. I have a male dwaftrabbit that is a year old and his name is Pepper.That is his picture Iuse for the avatar.Rabbits like to chew,so make sure you have thingsfor him to chew on.Pepper likes wood blocks,toilet paper rolls,and ofcourse he loves his timothy hay.Also,of course we have to keep Pepperout of certain areas when we let him run around,because he chews and wedon't want him to chew on cords or on the carpet,we have caught himtrying to chew on the carpet and we have to chase him away from chewingon the carpet.
Tippy's Mom,

What a cutie pie! It's nice to meet you. I have three girls -I need to figure out how to post their photos. Welcome and Ilook forward to chatting with you!

Tippy's mom,

Tippy is such a cutie. Welcome to theforum. Give Tippy a hug for us. My buns nume isPippy (they rhyme, hee hee)

Leigh-Anne and Pippy
Tippy looks absolutely adorable!:pWouldlove to pick him up and give him a hug! But then I would like to dothat to nearly all bunnies!:)Welcome to the forum by the way.
Dear bun lovers,

I am ovewhelmed! I belong to many different forums from birds to guineapigs and rabbits and I have never had such a warm welcome.I am honored.Tippy and I am so pleased to be a part of your group.Is thsi arelatively new group? I can't wait to get to know all of you.there areobviously some very special people (and special buns!) on this forum.

Thanks again,

Tippy and her Mom:)

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