How Many Bunnies Is Too Many (If There Is A Number)?

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As others have said, that number is going to vary depending on the person. I think you have too many rabbits when you no longer have the time and energy to devote to each rabbit's individual needs on a daily basis. For some people that may be 20, for others only one.

Hope that helps!

I agree that it really depends on the person and the level of care that you want your rabbits to have. I've met people who do rescue and have 20+ rabbits in the house. It's a full time job to give them pet-quality lives and keep everything clean. I don't know how they do it so well and I'm sure many people simply couldn't. I couldn't.

If you'll be keeping the rabbits in a garage or separate building outside and treating them more as livestock then you can keep quite a few more provided that you have the proper setup. If you're starting from scratch, I like the banks of wire cages that have tilted drainage running under the whole set instead of the individual pull-out pans. If you have a drain in the floor, then just rinse beneath the cages daily with a hose instead of having to dump and clean each individual pan.

I have 6 house rabbits. Two bonded pairs and two singles. It's a lot of work considering how much time I like my rabbits to have out of their cages and how much attention they all need. I didn't originally intend to have this many but I've kept two fosters and couldn't resist adopting a new bun recently. Bonded pairs/trios/etc. significantly reduce the amount of work, although of course the vet bills are just as high.

Don't forget vet bills! I have two that need regular molar trims now that they're older. Spay/neuter gets expensive but it's worth it for pet rabbits for health reasons (females) and to improve litter training and decrease smell.
As everyone has said. And I said its up to you but a few people have brought something up.

Where will you be in ten years 15 or even 20.

If people would think ok I am 21 I will have kids buy a house get a new apartment. Will commit to this pet then. Go ahead Storm has stasis on a regular luckily I have learned to treat at home he has gone to the vet 5 times in less then a year I have pet insurance but still pay my deposit. 140 bucks a bun for insurance every year adds up to.

Just make sure if your young between having kids buying a house. And living life those 20 buns will stay with you
I have four right now - 2 of my own and 2 fosters. That is a good number for me. I take in "transient" bunnies that are waiting for a permanent fosterer and also bunsit from time to time, and find that over 4 is very time consuming. I like to give each bun 2-3 hours of playtime daily and having over 4 makes this difficult. Not too long ago I had 7 in the house - I had to start playtimes at 6:00 in the morning! Money and space aren't a factor with me - just time.
Time, space, and money are all a necessary factor for me. I have four, and that is a good number for me. However, as I have one bonded pair and two singles, I believe I can comfortably go up to a maximum of 6, but only if that meant 3 bonded pairs. Housing and time considerations would not change, in that situation.

When I had just the pair, they had tons of time to run around. After adding the singles, everyone has to take turns, and I do feel terribly guilty about that. Due to my schedule, only one (or the pair) gets time out of their cage each day, so they have to rotate. (They do have large pens, though, so no one is confined to a small cage, ever.)

We could have gotten a larger house, with room for more bunnies, but that would have translated into higher heating/cooling bills, etc., which would have left less money to spend on toys, vet bills, etc. This is a good equilibrium for me.
I think at this point I wouldn't do more than three and I would want to attempt to bond them all together
I am the perfect example for this...
I plan on having 6 rabbits (I have three right now..hopefully Pinball will pull through tonight and that number will remain :( )
My six rabbits (Again, hopefully pinball will stay with me) will be Pinball (netherland dwarf), Chewbacca and Simba (Lionhead), and my future rabbits (I will be getting 1 next week, 1 in January, 1 in Feb) are a Mini Rex, English lop, and Flemish Giant.

But that is not all. I also currently have 2 Chinchillas, 2 parakeets, a fishtank and about 5 bettas, and 10 leopard geckos that I breed. I may be taking in a lovebird from a rescue too. I had two hamsters but one died of old age (He was 5!) and the other of simple hamster life (1 1/2 years).

People ask me all the time how I handle it. The thing is, I just do. All my animals get more than significant play/bonding time. I work part time and I am a university student, but I have a lot of free time. All my animals (Besides my geckos, which are as tame as they could probably be) are friendly.

Money wise, I have learned a great deal. I buy in bulk, and thankfully my chins and buns eat the same food (Purina Show Rabbit) I also get free toys from a friend who works at locally owned pet store. I have a savings for emergency vet care.

Many people think I am crazy. But I do because I love the animals. My Chins and Parakeets are rescues (As well as my hamsters when they were living) and because thats who I am. I have a rabbit and hamster tattoo. Animals are my life (Ask any of my friends lol)

I used to Rehabilitate sick exotics (I stopped due to lack of funds on my part) and I know my limit. I know 6 rabbits is enough. Sure, my three now are plenty, but I love the different breeds and all thier different personalities. I was going to get a cat, but was too afraid a kitten would hurt my exotics, so my boyfriend and I opted for the large flemish :)

And no, I don't live in a hosue. I live in a apartment. No, it does not stink, but that I give credit to my usually 1 1/2 hours of cleaning everyday. (Chins don't smell at all, my rabbits are the only ones who stink) as for free time, my house is animal proof and they get the entire place. I also take them outside (I have a play fence)

It really does depend on the person :)
Like everyone else has depends on the person.

I have 4 rabbits and I really love having 4 bunnies. It is the perfect number for me. I have 3 neutered boys and 1 girl bun who is soon to be spayed. After the girlie, Molly, is spayed...then I am going to try to bond her and Morgan together. I then will hopefully have a bonded pair & 2 singles. I can't help but think of the future because I am sure my 2 single boys will someday want a lady bun....but right now I am at my limit. I will try hard to bond them before getting them wife buns.

We want a kid or 2 (first one in 3-4 years) and I don't know that I could handle 6 rabbits (only if they were bonded pairs!), 1 dog, 3 cats, and at that time I probably won't have rats like I do now. I know one day the husband or I might want another dog. So...2 dogs, 3 cats, and 6 rabbits, plus a kid or two sounds like a lot right now, haha! Of course, we all don't know what the future holds!

I suggest you go volunteer at a rabbit rescue before adding in so many rabbits. I bet even a day of constant cleaning & socializing would change your mind about 20+ house rabbits. I know it would change mine, LOL!

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