Can Rabbits Swim?

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TK Bunnies

Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2007
Reaction score
, Wisconsin, USA
I just started reading Watership Down, and there's a part were they rabbits have to cross a river. I wanted to know if the really can swim.

And don't worry, I won't be conducting any home tests to find out. :p
Most certainly. We've had some interesting threads on rabbits swimming.

We'll try to locate those for you.


here you are hun little vids of swimming bunnies , yes they can swim :biggrin2:
Down a bit, did you guys see all the Bambi and Thumper/deer and rabbit stuff? SUPER cute!:pinkbouce::magicwand::mrsthumper::bambiandthumper:inlove:
I can say from personal experience, due to one of my buns who I will not embarrass again *cough*Alfie*cough* being daft enough to fall in my parents' pond, that rabbits can, indeed, swim. =P
In the summer i was washing Bunbuns' cage in the backyard and he hoped in and was trying.... to swim.. it was sooo cute! he couldnt even swim tho the water wasnt deep enough! on youtube there are TONS of videos! they are adorable!

-April and Bunbuns
Can anyone locate the thread we had on rabbit swimming? It was a while ago, and I haven't been able to locate it.

The Audobon field guide description of a swamp rabbit reads, "enjoys swimming and diving, day and night". I always laugh when I re-read that. It just conjures up a funny image of a continually diving and swimming swamp rabbit.
Yeah, a lot of those vids are cute, but whatever you do don't watch teh one titled "The rabbit who couldn't swim" it's pretty horrible.
We have a lot of swamp and marsh rabbits around here (see Rainbow Bridge for Marcia) and at one time we had a place down on the coast where they are all over. I have never seen them swimming for recreation, but they can swim to get across a stream and can escape a predator by submerging with just their nostils and eyes above the water line. There has also been some work with hydro-therapy with domestic rabbits with joint and/or spinal issues.

Pam..if you're having a REALLY hard time finding it (like I am), it was most likely in that May 07 time period where all the threads were lost. :(

I've tried searching "marsh", "marsh rabbits", "swim", and "swimming", and none of them pop up that it indicates to me that it's in the group of lost May threads. :(
I'll bet you're right Rosie :( I've searched under an extensive list of key words, and can't find it.


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