BOOMER... The little bunny with a huge personality.

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Boomer should be just fine it's not as an invasive surgery as it is for a female and my exotic vet said Shida was a real pain in the ass as she wouldn't leave her stitches alone (she has a cone now) but the vet said it is very uncommon that rabbits pull their stitches out Shida is just the exception lol.
The questions I asked were
How long does she need to be confined(not jumping around her cage)
Will she be on any pain meds?
How long does it normally take to heal?
What will it look like if there is an infection?
And who can I go to if she rips her stitches out over night (this happened 😡)
Hope this helps
~ Shell
ahhh, good questions to ask... thanks
All i could think of to ask is..... what do i do now ?!?!?!?!


I have big plans to make a bed out on the lounge in the sunroom and bring a heater out there with me to keep a super close eye on Boomer over the two nights i have off... i'm more guilty than anything that he will be in pain and sore. It will be two long cold nights out there being winter now here... FREEZING ! maybe i will just bring him to bed with me instead in his transport cage. :biggrin: we will see what happens.

I read somewhere when looking up if you can grow spouts in winter (for school and the kids project thing going on) and i came across if you cut the top end off a carrot and place it in a shallow plate with water it will grow green tops! i'm going to try it. Don't know if it will work in winter but i'm trying anyways. i have my top of carrot on a plate already and will see what happens.
Just your regular orange carrot that you buy in bags of a dozen. Boomer has never had green carrot tops (leaves) i think he would like them.
Hahaha Shida hates them lol but this is what she is in at the moment ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1404126757.673557.jpgImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1404126790.045465.jpg
It stays pretty warm without the heater being on and she can't run around to rip her stitches out again but she successfully got her cone off today and by the time I found her her wound was already red raw from licking it but don't worry about Boomer licking that much it's just Shida being Shida
Oh i can only imagine Boomer going mental if i put him in a box like that. he is such a hypo bunny and use to LOTS of freedom and running around... i dont know how he is going to like being locked up somewhere small while he recovers.

I hope Shida recovers speedy fast.

One of the reasons i wanted a male rabbit was because it's easier for desexing. In the end i didn't care what Boomer was (i was already in love) but hoped he was a male and it turned out he was. LUCKY !

Lets hope Boomer leaves stitches alone and behaves like a good boy so that desexing is less traumatic for ME! lol
i think he will do fine. it is his over anxious Bunny Mother (me) who wont be able to handle what's to come!
IF Boomer will need a cone i think he will do fine. he lets me dress him up and put his hat on and hair bands and ribbons on him all the time. he is use to things on him for periods of time while i harass him for photos. ;)

Hope he stays my sweet crazy bunny forever... we havn't really experienced any hormonal behaviours yet. biting has almost stopped. he hasn't bit me for ages! he doesnt pee anywhere unless he cant get back in his cage. and he hasn't tried humping anything yet or be territorial. he just ruins stuff (rugs, clothes, toys, anything he can get his little teeth on)... but thats normal ! and he tried digging in to me all the time too. but i have no idea what that is about.
He will only be anxious if you are so the more you are calm the better he will be. Good luck hope all goes well for both of you!
Felix was an absolute doll when I got him neutered. Surgery fine, little woozy post-surgery and then perked up and started eating. He jumped over his xpen the next day wanting to play. A few days later he was basically 100% back to his old self. :p Fingers crossed for Boomer!
He is soooo cute how much bigger do u think my bunny will get he is 10 weeks old ;)ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1404178940.470793.jpg
I was actually surprised that they didn't give Shida internal dissolving stitches. I believe that's what Bandit's were, so he couldn't pick at them even if he wanted too. Let us know how Boomer goes with the op, though I'm sure he'll be fine, he such a cutie! :D

@cdc7267, your bunny looks a medium-large size, I would say somewhere in the range of 7 pounds adult weight. From when I got Bandit at about 12 weeks, he approximately doubled in size from that age, so you could probably estimate that for your bunny too.
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I was actually surprised that they didn't give Shida internal dissolving stitches. I believe that's what Bandit's were, so he couldn't pick at them even if he wanted too. Let us know how Boomer goes with the op, though I'm sure he'll be fine, he such a cutie! :D
Both of my guys got dissolving stitches, too! There was a wound they could have licked at but thankfully they didn't.
She has dissolvable ones inside but she completely opened up the outside ones she really won't leave them alone so they put the normal ones in
i wouldnt usually enter these things or even ask people to vote... BUT...... i did it and now he needs votes....LOL
The prize isnt even that great! i wish i checked it out a last week because the month of June they had $1000.00 dolls vouchers to pet barn! a friend of my work college won one of them.... darn! could have got lots for Boomer and been able to donate heaps to the cat shelter. oh well.... they will LOVE what he have for them when we deliver it. LOTS OF FOOD, cat bowls, litter pans, cat toys, cat biscuits and wet food and even bags of cat "treats".
Cant wait to go play with all the kitties.

So Boomer is Boomer..... havent taken any recent photos .... SORRY !!! i just havent been home in the days lately and the lighting in the house isn't good at night... so no photos... maybe this weekend Boomer and i can play a game of photographer and cute model bunny for you all....

i am counting down the days for the vet visit... i already have my whole day planned out to keep my mind off Boomer being neutered. i guess i should tell you my awesome plan....hahaha.
9am drop Boomer at vets.
Drive to large shopping centre with my son.
Shop for shoes and clothes for me and him.
Have lunch at our favourite dumpling place.
Dessert at the chocolate cafe.
Play at time zone and win lots of prizes... haha (I always win big there!!!)
Ring vet to check on my baby because i will be too impatient knowing they would have done the surgery by then.
Pay bills because they are all due that week so good time to pay them.
Drive to the local pet shop and buy Boomer a (get well soon) present!
hopefully by then be able to pick him up... if not the go grocery shopping then go get him!
and then drive home and cuddle Boomer and watch him like a hawk! spoiling him and making sure all is good...
and have a movie night with my boy in bed.
sounds like a good day to me!

now if only i can get through the rest of this exhausting week........ 2 more days 2 more days of work.... arghhhhh.

only up side is on Friday at work we are having "Frozen Friday" based on the movie Frozen. going to decorate my whole room in a winter snow theme... it doesnt snow here never seen it so it will be fun to pretend it had snowed.
and with all the toddlers and babies we are having a messy play sensory day.... it's going to be some messy messy fun !
I gave Boomer five paw prints of cuteness approval :D I love your comment about his hat making him sun smart :D How often do they run the contest?

Sounds like you have everything super planned out for the day of his neuter. I made the mistake of being bored at home while waiting impatiently, lol.
they have been running the comp for AGESSSS now.. each week/month the prizes change though... i don't know when it ends... thought it would be something fun. you know.... get to show off my bunny

I do have everything planned... i would go absolutely man if i had to sit around and wait for the call that it is all done! i know what i am like and i know i need to keep busy. thats how my life is always busy so to sit around i would only be over thinking things and geting stressed out and thinking the worst. so keep busy and hopefully i'll forget and just be so engaged in what i have planned that i wont have time to worry.
I have Tuesday and Wednesday off work so got to do something with my time too... cant waste good R.D.O days on doing nothing... time to have fun and NOT DO WORK and just enjoy my baby boy and baby bunny. maybe the boyfriend too if he isn't working..
Boomer gets 5/5 paws from me, Felix, and Clemmie too. :) His little hat is just the cutest.
Thanks guys ;)

Boomer feels the love.... lol... well i'm sure he does. i think he can read. hehe
HAHAHAHAHAHA, Boomer bit my boyfriend hard on the hand... Good too because he deserves it for being soooooo annoying tonight. I hope he bites him even harder next time.

Boomer chewed through my power cord on my drill battery recharger. how annoying.... just add that to the list of things he has destroyed and i have had to replace. really the boyfriend should replace it since he was suppose to be supervising Boomer at that point in time! he can replace it!!!
Ok this is turning in to a rant about how annoying said boyfriend is tonight... lucky i love him, just dont want to talk to him anymore tonight....hahaha

So on the count down to neutering day. 4 sleeps to go!
Boomer and i have had a pep talk. and we talked about how it was best for him and that i am sorry but i am only trying to do what is best for him to live a happy long life... maybe he understood me because he was grooming me the whole time i was explaining what was going to happen on Tuesday. ;) He will be fine i know......

totally on another topic.........
Work was fun today... we have a themed day called "Frozen Friday", based on the movie Frozen.
We provided children with sensory "tactile discrimination" experiences like slime, goop, "snow", frozen hands, ice play, snow paint....etc. it was a messy fun day and the children in my room REALLY enjoyed getting messy and just having fun.
then for dinner met up with some work colleagues and basically ate chocolate for dinner at a chocolate cafe. Choc banana frappe for me and also a chocolate brownie with ice cream and hot melted chocolate...... DELISH! perfect Friday!

This weekend brings a b-day party, shopping, hanging out with my boy and just relaxing..... nice quiet weekend i think.
Couldn't find the vote button. Don't know what the deal is... Please help.

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