Beach Bunnies 2004

Rabbits Online Forum

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I love Spice's avatar!!!

I just noticed it. How cool!!

SSSShhhhh, don't tell Mocha. Mocha Mon would say that's because Spice is a Momma's Boy always staying by her side.


Of course, we know they're both big babies and both Momma's Boys!

That's a really good picture to have gone with...Good Job!

* * * * * * *

Michelle, with so many of our members from Canda, it's a great idea.Buck Jones is getting people together in the West Coast from thisForum, so we're technically Coast-To-Coast in America.

Actually, anyone on the West Coast that is interested in that shouldput up a post because Buck Jones is arranging that with a couple ofother respected members of this forum.

Well I think all of the other canadian forumers are from Alberta. i'm the lonely Ontarian lol.

But if anyone ever wants to do the travelling, you're welcome to cometo a Bunny BBQ!! (dont worry the bunnies aren't the meal ;) )
Weird that sooooooo doesnt look like Tucker. He looks really different!!
But then this is weird little me!!!
Maybe you should all come to England. It doesnt rain all the time... :?
I hope you have a really nice time and when im older ill try and come to your next one!
Lots of wuv
Loz n ebs n Fudge
ps You talk about "respected members of the forum" Who are they? Do I get to be one when I'm older?

P.P.S I've got some great news!!! friday was a really great day for mebecauseI got the results from my grade 5 singingexam i took way back before easter. And guess what?? Ipassed withHonours and to top of my day when i went horse riding i entered a clearround jumping competition and got a clear round! It was such a coolday!!

Thought I'd share that random peice of imformation!
Carolyn wrote:

I love Spice's avatar!!!

I just noticed it. How cool!!

SSSShhhhh, don't tell Mocha. Mocha Mon would say that's because Spice is a Momma's Boy always staying by her side.


Of course, we know they're both big babies and both Momma's Boys!

That's a really good picture to have gone with...Good Job!

* * * * * * *

Thanks! I've been having issues trying to decide which to use! I loveboth my babies, lol. And thanks for the compliment on my picture takingskills, lol. I will spend hours outside taking nearly 100 photos withthe digital camera to get just a few good ones, but that's how it iseven for the best photographers.

Loz n Ebony wrote:
Weird that sooooooo doesnt look like Tucker. He looks really different!!
But then this is weird little me!!!
Maybe you should all come to England. It doesnt rain all the time... :?
I hope you have a really nice time and when im older ill try and come to your next one!
Lots of wuv
Loz n ebs n Fudge
ps You talk about "respected members of the forum" Who are they? Do I get to be one when I'm older?

P.P.S I've got some great news!!! friday was a really great day for mebecauseI got the results from my grade 5 singingexam i took way back before easter. And guess what?? Ipassed withHonours and to top of my day when i went horse riding i entered a clearround jumping competition and got a clear round! It was such a coolday!!

Thought I'd share that random peice of imformation!

Congrats on your singing and jumping success! You don't haveto wait until you are older to become a respected member of theforum. Maturity,sound advice and respecting theopinions of others will quickly gain you the honor of becoming a "wellrespected member" of the forum -- I think you are well on your way!



Your post melted my heart. If I'm ever in Ontario or nearby, I'll be sure to take you up on the offer!

* * * * * * *

Hi M&SMom,

You've got a good eye with that digital camera and your Mocha and Spice. I enjoy them very much.

* * * * * *

Hi Loz,

Pam took the words right out of my mouth. I don't mean to sound as if it's an 'exclusive' club. Sorry.

*applause* Congratulations on your grades! Excellent, Excellent Work!!

I'd love to take this party to England. With so many British members, Iwouldn't be surprised if you meet a few of us someday. Can't say when,but it's certainly not out of the realm of reality. Believe me, I wishI could fly all of you folks here.

I'll take pictures so that you can see the setup. You'll all be on our minds that day.

lmao, ya everyone! Imagine Mocha causing chaos anddigging to China while you are together and I am living with thereality at home! lmao, I'm sure he will be digging and causing chaoshere. Who knows, he may dig his way to there! lmao. And imagine sweet,angelic Spice, lmao, ya right.
WHAT, M&SMom???

Spice is sweet and angelic!!

lol Carolyn, that's what he WANTS you to think! He's as much trouble as Mocha... Okay, maybe not quite ut close!
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! Thanks Pam and Carolyn!!!!
You all will DEFINATLEY have to come to England, Like I said, it onlyrains most off the time and we dont all drink tea. (she says sippingher tea!)
Fidget and Ebony are being a bit neglected at the moment(sorry babes) because I'm doing the french exchange and my frenchperson is here.
But I'm cuddling them both whenever i get the chance (ie all the time)(so then, when you think about, really, there not being neglected atall!)

Lots n lots of love from
Lauren and the bunnies

Ps Carolyn I cant wait for the photos

PpS Thanks again pam you make me feel so special!!
Loz n Ebony wrote:
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! Thanks Pam and Carolyn!!!!
You all will DEFINATLEY have to come to England, Like I said, it onlyrains most off the time and we dont all drink tea. (she says sippingher tea!)
Lauren and the bunnies

You better watch out! We may take you up on your offer and invade England!!!

Pam N. :)
Hi Folks!

Thought I'd bring this post around again for the new members.

Everyone is most welcome to attend the party, and for those thatcan't make it, we'll miss you and you'll be on our minds.

I would love to come and meet the people on thisboard, but since I live in NY I think it would be too far a trip for mybunnies:(.

I hope all of you have fun.:D

Lissa, BlueBelle, and CupCake
You don't have to bring the rabbits,BunnyLover! Since I'm on the border of New York State, thenext town over is NY, I wonder if it would be a possibility.We have a few people coming fromNY.

Check out the Rabbits Only article about it and you'll see the map andbe able to determine if you can make it or not.


Oh, man! I would love to attend this, but I won't be able to rearrange our schedules in time. :(

Hopefully you'll have another event next year. If so, we'll definitely be there! :)

Carolyn, I'd love to come to this event. I'm in NYC (Queens) and Idon't have a car, but I may be able to get there somehow. I'd love tobring my bunny Tosca. She travels up to Columbia County, NY with mewhen my brother takes us along for family weekends at his country housethere. (She HATES the way he drives-too fast for her.) Also, she goesto Manhattan with me for therapy bunny sessions, and has been on MTAsubway and buses, even the LIRR. Talk about stress! She handles itwell. She truly is a people bunny, and has the sweetest, most lovingdisposition.

I wonder if I could maybe hookup with other NYC people, maybe bum a ride? . . .

Tosca's a Dutch doe, by the way.

Welcome RabbitMusic!

Or, what about hopping on Metro North from Grand Central and taking itto the end of the line. That's about 30 minutes from me. I can pick youup at the train station and drop you off later. Trains run pretty oftenon the weekends as well.

I'd love to hear more about the work that Tosca and you do. Very CoolStuff you've got going on there with her. Since my favorite Dutch ever,Maxwell, died a few weeks ago, it would be extra special to meet Toscaas I don't know any more Dutch's at the moment. Tosca sounds so specialand the bond with you, so strong.

We'd love to have you!

* * * * * * * * * * *

Chin up, BunnyMommy. I'm sure this won't be the one and only time.



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