Worst Hair Salon XP EVER

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JAK Rabbitry

Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2006
Reaction score
Freedom/Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
So you've probably all seen my hair in it's ''red'' state by now which I did last septemberish. I loved it. Fire engine red red RED it was. Well I haven't had any hair stuff done since then and I have roots like nobody's business and my hair had faded to a sickening Autumn orangeish. But my schedule is so hectic and busy now that I was having a rough time committing to an apointment at the place I had it done last.

Erron gets his hair done at walmart. and after 2 months of trying to get my hair fixed I asked if they would be able to do it and they said definitely. Well I went in tonight about 7PM and lady was so enthusiatic and said she could do it in about an hour, tops.

She asked what color red I wanted, I held up my cell phone. I told her ''RED RED! like fire engine red or like that fire extinguisher over there but maybe a shade darker'' so she was like '' I can definitely do that! IT'll be perfect! IT'll come out great! i've done my highlites that color a bajillion times!'' so I trusted her and she dyed it and washed out the dye and i'm lookin' in the mirror and my roots were a little too light, looked kinda faded red but the red was alllllmooost the right color, it just wasn't e ven and kind of splotchy and kind of looked like I smeared cheap dye all over myself. While trying to communicate this to ''MIchele'' I tried to leave out that fact and be more polite so I told her it kind of needed to be more RED and ''richer'' and I made the mistake of using the word ''darker'' and to correct myself told her ''Blood red''.

Now when I think blood red I think RED, ok? So she put some stuff in my hair to darken it and when she washed it out and d ried it it was like...burgundy and I was all ''AAHHH''. Because I absolutely hate that color and I was hoping to never EVER see it on my head.

And she's like '' oh well most people don't know that blood is dark and when like it's in a bag its kind of dark and purple, not like when you cut yourself a little bit of blood comes out...'' and i'm thinking '' what a ditz! I never said anything about a bag! What about my fire extinguisher reference?! You're thinking way too much!''

I'd liek to also mention my hair is LONG and VERY thick and people who do not have long thick hair do not know how to treat it. Therefore she was pulling my hair and brushing it in ev ery direction it was just ridiculous. You can't brush my hair that way! It immediately MATS. Forget knots and ta ngles it will MAT itself into something not quite unlike something you wipe your feet on. It is seriously DANGEROUS. And then she used a volumizing brush to detangle me until I made her use a different one that wasn't hurting so bad. And let me tell you, I can deal with aLOT of pain. But while this lady was brushing my hair, I seriously SCREAMED. I held a towel over my mouth and SCREAMED and stamped my feet and ground my teeth into dust. And she was COMBING it while I had dye in it. And while she seperated piees to dye she was pulling it in every direction and just making it fuzz. And then she'd work the dye through my hair and like...roll it into dreads. I was seriously about to snap, if not just from pain. But i'm a polite quiet person so of course I didn't say anything and she kept appologizing. And ev ery 10 seconds ''are you ok? Are you ok? '' and I said '' yeah i'm fine'' ''yeah i'm fine'' until finally I jsut screamed '' NOOO!!!! IM NOT OKAY!!!"

The place closed at 9. I was there until 10:15. She said give it a week to fade a bit, hopefuly to the color I want, and if not, then she'll see me again next monday or tuesday and re-do it for free. I am sooooo hopingI don't havet o go through that again. And I was hoping to have enough time left to get my eyebrows waxed since they're hideous too and that only takes 5 minutes. But i'm worrying about this girl's competence and if I should trust her with my gorgeous eyebrows. Some other woman came in and had hers done while my hair was setting and when she walked out she had like...half eyebrows. Some people have eyebrows like that or prefer them like that but....what if Michele did it that way on purpose? I dunno i'm scared now. But it beats having to drive to the other pla ce I got them done and pay 3 times as much.

but the big deal here now is that I went from this:


To this....which mind you looks way more purple in person....if it was actually more this color in reality I wouldn't be so TO'd.


So tell me your thoughts...when I say ''Blood Red''....what comes to mind? Post a picture of something you consider ''Blood Red''.


That looks more like blood without oxygen. It's like a bruise. I highly doubt that it will fade to fire engine red.
I think you should not go the her again. probably best to avoid Walmart altogether for hair.
I shall morn the loss of your beautiful color and hope it will come back someday soon.
Crazy! You should ask if someone else there can redo your hair, for free. If they don't, complain to the managers and then take it higher up. The splotchy hair dye is bad enough (although I can't tell in the pic), but if she was causing you physical pain that's just wrong.

And yeah, if that color is more purple in real life then it would look totally wrong for you. I don't know what kind of freak was doing your hair but "blood red" usually means red like blood fresh from an artery, not from a vein like when you donate. There's a huge color difference because there's less oxygen. That's what blood does.

I won't post a picture because well... I used to work at a blood bank. I KNOW what blood looks like, in all it's glorious and icky forms.

It could be worse. She could have given you hair that looks like cadaver blood (bodies donated to science).:vomit:
Oh my gosh, that would drive me so badly insane...

And I can tell from experience (since I've met ya) that your hair is so gorgeous, and I know how much you love it...so I know how this can feel.

Hugs to you...and hopes that the fading happens FAST...

It does look really nice in the first picture. And from that second picture...yeah she definitely did more of a burgundy/purplish color and not what I would think of as red. I trust Walmart for buying household items, but I don't think I would ever trust their other services...especially after all of the things I've read about them on this forum. Actually, I didn't even realize that you could get your hair cut at Walmart, or buy eyeglasses there until I read about people's horrible experiences. Then I asked my friend about it (who used to work at Walmart) and he said that Walmart also has an auto shop. The auto shop people once dropped a BMW from the car lift because they didn't secure it properly for an oil change! They also "changed" the oil from another car and forgot to put any oil back in so the car was aged way past its prime. :shock:

Definitely DO NOT get her to do your eyebrows, especially if you saw her screw up on someone else! I always tweeze my own because I'm afraid of someone waxing off my entire eyebrow by mistake :p
Its not really possible to wax off your entire brow unless they put wax on the whole thing...and they use a tiny little wax pen so it's great for detail work. I didn't actually see her screw up on anyone, just the finished product. I didn't see the ''before''. I thoguht the lady originalyl was just getting a wash as she was in teh washy chair but then a light came on and Michele started doing her eyebrows. Hey some people just have tiny eyebrows so I honestly don't know.

woe is me.
Well, I wouldn't let her touch my hair if it were me..... make the manager fix it if it doesn't fade..... but fading will only be dull most likely.

My daughter has thick long hair too - we just went Sunday to have 4 inches cut off and it's still down her back.

I won't go to Walmart...... actually...... they shut our Walmart hair salons here. They had people who didn't even have licenses cutting hair.

btw - the girls here are using Koolaid to stain their hair..... Lexi has a streak of bright red hair that looks better - from Koolaid - she used the tropical punch flavor. ;)
that sucks big time Jesse :( def. not blood red. thinkin more the ready salted pringle tubes as blood red!!

heres my eyebrow thoughts there are some therapists who deliberately take them thin but if you ask her to keep them natural she should be fine. also yeah its very difficult to take a whole eyebrow off but its kinda easy to take an end off. she will pre cleanse your eyebrow but its may be an idea to vaseline the bit of eyebrow you want to keep cause the wax can't stick to vaseline then you should get the shape you want but if she takes the precleanse all over chances are the vaseline will come of too. might be worth a try though just to make you feel happier!!
I'm sorry to hear about your terrible experience! Wow, that sounds really bad and painful. I think she was just trying to cover her butt when she said all that about blood being darker, how ridiculous. I don't think I'd trust her with my eyebrows! Also, I feel your pain about the color- my mom has dyed her hair bright red (not fire engine red, but a color a bit more suiting a 55 year old woman) for years, and on New Years Eve 2000 we decided to have her dye my hair the same color as hers. For whatever bizarre reason, it came out looking PURPLE, just like yours. I was not a happy camper. To make it even worse, she got dye on my skin thinking it would wipe right off (since she could wipe it off her skin), but it dyed my skin purple too. Forehead, ears, back of neck, all purple. Just in time for the new millennium. Fun.
Err... I did that in HS..actually, the whole powerlifting/track team did

Was allllllllll good till it rained...

Ever seen Carrie?

Yeah, it was Carrie in weight lifting gear...

Looked like we were really angry at somebody..

They also started doing the meets in the gym..lol

Bo B Bunny wrote
btw - the girls here are using Koolaid to stain their hair..... Lexi has a streak of bright red hair that looks better - from Koolaid - she used the tropical punch flavor. ;)
my daughter got her hair cut at walmart one time .. she showed them a pic of what she wanted ... it did not turn out anything like the pic.. she was crying, so I said something and the lady thru a clip board at me across the counter and it hit me... I went after her my cousin had to pull me off the counter... I will never go back there for anything.. they are rude and don't know what they are doing most of the time they are just out of school and can't get a job anywhere else... y cousins ex wife used to work there ...
Heh, I've gotten my hair cut at Wal-Mart before. I always request the person I know is good. She goes a good job. Actually there are a few of them that are good.

Then again, I get my layers trimmed b/c I'm growing it out, nothing too fancy lol.
Yeah the lady that did my hair used to work at like Phillip Pelusi I believe, so she at least has a license. She was quicker witht eh color that the other place and when I had it done before I paid $300. (what was I thinking....) And this time it was only $85. Worth the money at least to have it fixed from what it was. It does look better outside in teh sun but its still just so purply. where's the RED?

My hubby has been getting his done at Walmart and they've done a great job. But he's a d00d and only gets like a buzz and leaves it longer on top. Doesn't seem too difficult.

Im really hoping it fades so I don't have to cry. Afterwards had to take me to McDonald's for a flurry and some grease before I panicked.

I feel all fat now.
LOL! They do it with hot water, and keep a strip in there for like 20 minutes... it stays in their hair for a month - so they say - Lexi's got streaks of red in one area going on 6 weeks now....

GoinBackToCali wrote:
Err... I did that in HS..actually, the whole powerlifting/track team did

Was allllllllll good till it rained...

Ever seen Carrie?

Yeah, it was Carrie in weight lifting gear...

Looked like we were really angry at somebody..

They also started doing the meets in the gym..lol

Bo B Bunny wrote
btw - the girls here are using Koolaid to stain their hair..... Lexi has a streak of bright red hair that looks better - from Koolaid - she used the tropical punch flavor. ;)
This is why I am paranoid about where I am getting my hair done. I am so having someone come with me. I love my hair way to much.

[align=center]DO NOT LET HER NEAR YOUR HAIR!!!![/align]

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