Wisdom Tooth Question

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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2005
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Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
I had all four of my wisdom teeth pulled on Jan8th, it went very well and I did not have a panic attack at the sightof the needles! (They put me under for the extraction). I didn't haveany pain afterward, or nausea. I never took any of my pain pills.

My question is, for those of you who have had this done, how long untilI can stop using that syringe to flush the food out of the extractionsites. I was given the syringe yesterday by my oral surgeon after Istarted tasting nasty stuff coming from back there. He said it was foodgetting stuck in the holes (icky rotting food). I was just wonderinghow long it took for it to heal for everyone?

The good news is it is such a pain to clean it that I no longer eatsnacks between meals! Since my surgery I have gotten to 140lbs! I havebeen working for months on losing some excess weight but have neverbeen able to get it to 140 before. I have offically gone from 170lbsand 140lbs in a year!I can fit into all my old jeans anddresses. Most of my skirts just fall off me now, I'm so happy. So ontomy side note, my goal is 130 around summer! I can't wait until springso I can start walking outside again!
Wow, only for a few days to a week.This last time though, I didn't use it at all and I was fine.They should start to close up by now, can you tell if theyare?
Well my partner Mathew had all his ones outabout 10 months ago, he's a slow healer though and it took a few weeksbefore the holes closed. One re-opened again recently and his mouth wasfilling with blood, really scary!

Now he noticed a rotten smell from the back of his mouth every now and then and he has to go and get it checked this weekend.
Oowww! That's weird. I knowthat up to a few weeks after the extraction, you can also get bonefragments coming out, is that what it could be, that might make itbleed, but I can't see that for no good reason for it toreopen. Yikes.:shock:
Yikes, scary stories :shock:, now I'm going tobe all paranoid. My dentist said mine looked fine, but I'm going tobother him again in two weeks even if all seems good. The bleedingthing is scary.
I had my two bottom wisdome teeth pulled justbefore last Christmas. They stitched the holes closed, butone popped open.

I had to syringe that hole for about 3 weeks. Basically Istopped once stuff stopped coming out. But it took about 3months for the wounds to completly heal.

The last one I had extracted it didn't even getstitched, they don't do that. I was a little worried, butthis guy is an oral surgeon and works alot in er doing plastic surgeryand taking bullets out of people :shock:. I must say, he dida darn good job. I didn't even hurt when the novacaine woreoff and it only bled for 20 mins, I've NEVER had that kind of luck. :D
They never gave me a syringe.... I took like one pain pill but it gave me a headache...so what exactly was the friggin' point of that? I know not. That night I ate a crapload of turkey sandwiches. They didn't have a taste but I could eat fine.

I had surgury on a thursday I think and I went back to the oral dude's office on monday and he was like '' wtf your hole are t3h closed." And I was like '' true dat'' and he was like '' you rock, you healed all fast, its unbelieveable.'' and I was like '' I'm the best.''

It didnt' go quite like that but you know what happens when a story gets told too many times.
PS - I asked to keep my teeth and they were all weirded out and they said ''we usually don't do that'' and I said '' they're mine. I want them.'' And they said ''ok'' So as I stumbled out the door they gave me a little baggie with my treasures in it and I amde keychains for all my friends!

Friends were all like '' double ewe tee eff is this?''
"Thats my wisdom tooth.."
"o god...."
Ohhhhhh... this doesn't help me right now!

I have a consultation tomorrow with my oral surgeon to schedulefor wisdom teeth removal.

Please tell me it's not this bad. LOL!
Have you ever had any other teeth pulled? I had 10 baby teeth pulled in my early teens to prevent adult teeth growing over them, and my wisdom teeth didn't feel much different.

They numb you up, and away you go. It feels a bit odd, but nothing painful at all just some pressure.

I also kept my teeth. But then again, I've kept all my teeth. My mom uses them to show her preschool kids what healthy teeth look like, and she has some of my dad's old rotten teeth to show them what happens when they don't brush... I just soaked them in a little bit of bleach for an hour or so, and they where good to go on display!

I think the worst part was the stitches. They pulled when I started to heal, and they where supposed to be disolvables, but I got them taken out when I went in to get a popped stitch checked. Once the stitches where out, it was a world of difference, didn't hurt at all.

i hated everything about getting my wisdom teeth out. . .

firstly, i wasn't put under. . .the idea of it really creeps me out (and tosses me into a panic attack) and my dentist doesn't like to put people under unless he has to. . .then 1/2 though it, he hit a spot that didn't get enough numbing meds/pain meds, and it hurt so bad i sobbed. . .

afterward, i ripped my stiches on one side out 2 times (had to get them replaced both times), and ended up with a huge bruise on my jaw. . .this all happened 2 days before i went back to school (we had been on summer break) i was in so much pain for the first few days that i started my sr. year off on hydrocodon. . .which for the first 24 hours made me so sick to my stomach, but the pain was so bad. . .i would take one and end up laying right down and going to sleep. . .

my poor mother, at the same time i am recovering and pulling stiches out, my sister is being hospitalized for menegitis(sp). . .talk about stressfull. . .

but i must say, my case seemed worse then anyone else up here i know . . .most of my friends and both my sisters went through it without any problems
I guess it all depends on how long you wait until you have them pulled. Mine were very impacted, turned sidways and everything. My upper ones where so bad they were in my sinusus cavity and gave me migranes when it rained. I was definatly glad to be put under! So the lesson is don't wait until your 25 to have them pulled, do it in your teens.:D
Oh god, Katt, that is aweful. I prob would never go to dentist again after that!! :shock:

Dwarf angel-it's not that bad. Really, if just numbing doesn't work for you, tell them you want nitris and it's all good!

On your way home, keep pressure on the site for at least 20 mins, and the bleeding should stop. The last time I had one pulled, it bled for ever, so I called the emerg # and they said I needed to keep pressure on it for 20-30 mins, well, they shoulda told me that when I left. So, that's what I did this last time and wholla! :D
Sorry to scare you! Mat is terrible at healing, I'm sure you'll be fine :D.

He got to take his teeth home too, they made him :shock:. I came close to fainting when I saw them...oh my gawd so gross and still had flesh stuck to them. The worst part is I forgot they were in my bag and I started to smell something yuck, and traced it back to the bag to find these teeth. You can imagine the smell I'm sure!

I feela little refreshed after going to my oral surgeon. I'll be under general anesthesia because 1 is deep into my sinus cavity and the bottom two are surrounding a nerve.

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