Way too many mosquitoes! How to rid of them?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2019
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This year has brought a massive heatwave and also a tremendous amount of blood-sucking insects. They buzz and fly in our faces, they bite Storm's ears (well, they try to) and he looks very bothered by it. Rightfully so.
These idiots have also messed with my sleep-they annoy the hell out of me and they won't let me fall asleep at all. It is 00:33 and i should've been asleep two hours ago, but not only is the heat killing me, they are too.
I am SO sick of smacking them dead onto my walls and ceilings. I have literally eight mosquio corpses dried to my ceiling, not to mention the countless ones everywhere else. We keep doors&windows closed but still, where are they spawning from? And nothing will work for them- not flypaper, not bug screens, not all sorts of stuff plugged into the electric sockets.

Does anyone know of an effective, rabbit-safe deterrent or bug-killer? I didn't wanna go looking into something like an insect-o-cutor just yet.
Mosquito netting? If you're looking for something to apply to your rabbit, only thing that I can think that might work is Revolution/Stronghold spot on. It works for other biting insects. It might work for mosquitos, and should last a few weeks after application.
Hmmm. I'll have to see if it's avaliable here. What's its active ingredient?
How do i apply mosquito netting inside the room? They don't come from outside, so i don't think that the nets would be useful. I could try wrapping the entirety of Storm's enclosure in the nets, but he would be agonized if a mosquito were to get stuck with him.
The mosquito netting would be more for a sleeping thing. Like a net that is draped above you to stop mosquitos getting at you while you sleep. Yes, that would be torture if one was trapped in there :p Poor little guy.

Revolution/Stronghold is selamectin, a topical spot on application. Maybe it's something you could pick up from your vet.


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