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Mrs. PBJ

Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2008
Reaction score
Galveston, Texas, USA


Thursday June 4th

Good morning to some Afternoon to others
evening to a few

I am filling in for mouse_chalk she is on holiday with her husband.


Judi loves the forum. Go check out this thread and tell us what you think.

Remember give permission to use those photo's


Today is Rosie's 4th wedding anniversary

Lets hope number five is better then number four.


[align=center] Judi and her family have joined the forum. Go welcome them


Cris's and the family have joined the forum go welcome them.


What would you say to a bunny owner if there bun was over weight? Can you give some advice.

Baby bunny advice.

A tail of a bun.

Please everyone make sure you go check out our RO yearbook and put your pictures where they need to be. We have class of. And many different contest.
Go check it out.



Bun fixed not eating can you help

Bun back from spay watch for updates

Pressure Sores


Male/Female Separation Age

Favorite bunny breed

Possible Breed


False Pregnancy

Wood pellets as bedding

She peeded on me


A lot have been updated go check them all out!!!!!!


Weatherly is feeling better.

Nothing else really new over in this section go check all the old threads out.


Guess the member

[align=left]1. Joined may 24th 2008

2. Just under 2000 posts

3. Birthday in Nov

4. Has a few buns not a lot between 3 and 6

5. She is in college

Thank you, Stan!! :)

And thank you so much for the mention, guys! :)

We had a really nice day. We're quite broke, so we didn't do much. Danny surprised me with a trip to Dairy Queen (which is SO much better here than in the States), and I had a nice BLT sandwich, and tried out the Brownie Batter Bits Blizzard (or something like that, lol). It was so nice!

Then, later on he surprised me with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. It all meant so much, because it meant that he asked his dad to borrow money for the things we did. He's so wonderful! :)

The rest of the day, Em and I spent at the park. I have a little butterfly kite (about the size of a Monarch butterfly, but it's purple) that I flew most of the time we were there. Em was playing with new toys she bought with her own money at a dollar store. It was nice and relaxing! :)
maherwoman wrote:
It was nice and relaxing! :)
That is how it should be.



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