Today on RO

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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2006
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Dundee, Scotland, ,
[align=center]Today on RO

July 3rd 2008
This is my very first Today thread! I will be your regular news correspondent every Thursday and Friday.

May we all send our condolences to Nancy, Commander Bun-Bun has gone to Rainbow Bridge.

Luv-bunniz needs some ideas choosing songs for a party. Can you help?

Look what ThatsMySimi made!

Can we all send some continued positive thoughts and vibes to
Cheryl and her bunny, Charlie who is not well, and to Stan's bunny Pebbles who is sick too.
:big kiss:

On a much happier note, great news from JimD, his bunny Chippy is all better!

Polly wants to know your thoughts on Dutch bunnies, for the Library.

Congratulations to Bunnydude and his bunny Devon, who just got a new friend!

Why don't you take a trip over to Introductions and welcome all of our new members!

I wonder who will win the National Bunnies Photo Phile Contest, have you voted?

Would you like an animated avatar? I (Michaela ;)) am taking requests.

And finally, do you know who this mystery cutie is?


Great job, Michaela!

And, for the mystery bunny...I don't know who it is, but I just have to say that that bunny looks very much like my Chester. So I'd love to know the breed of that bun so I can know what Chester is!

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