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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2008
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Northamptonshire, , United Kingdom

[/align][align=center]:biggrin2:[/align][align=center]Wednesday, 17 June 2009
Welcome to todays news! Bear with me here I’ve had a migraine all day! But I will do my best! :D


If your celebrating a special occasion anytime soon make sure to post it in this thread here. While the calendar is down!

If you have any questions about the forum please post in the chat about the forum section!

Please welcome chelsieluis, a college student from Florida and her and her boyfriends 2 bunnies!

Welcome blonde and her 6 bunnies! from Australia!
And finally. Welcome Myia and her bunny Chewbacca!
If you are a new member remember to introduce yourself!


Not long left now to enter the RO Year book contest! Enter now!
Have you entered the latest Caption contest?

Does anyone have any tips for Becka and Monsters about a stress free move? Poor Monsters recently lost her buddy Fluffy if you have any advice please post.
Poe is a disapproving bunny!

Who is this gorgeous bunny!!!!

Camarie has some bad news about Moo!

3 Bunnies Rabbit Rescue Shelter’s websites! Check it out!

Rest In Peace:
Nibbler & Indy
[/align][align=center]:pink iris:
Gone but never forgotten - Binky Free

Tristynn has suddenly started limping! Can anyone help?
A carrot a day keeps the cancer away??? Is that true or just a myth?
Clover *Photos*


[/align][align=center]Tips on getting a rabbit to conceive[/align][align=center]:bunny22:

Could Lucy be pregnant?


These blogs have been updated!
[/align][align=center]Lucy’s Licks WARNING: CUTE PICTURE OVERLOAD[/align][align=center]:pet:
[/align][align=center] Turning over a new leaf..[/align][align=center]:toast:document.write('/images/emoticons/toast.gif');[/align][align=center]
Silly Rabbit[/align][align=center]:hanging:

Remember to update your blogs guys! We love reading them!


[/align][align=center]BUNNY STAR!!

Dutchess, aka Dutchie

I be 3 years old!

I am a black Dutch bun.

I have several hoomin slaves: Wabbitdad12, that big girl I love called Sister, and that big handsome guy named Brother. But my favoritest hoomin slave is My Mommie!! Sometimes Wabbitdad calls her "Karen".

My most favoritest thing to do is sit on my Mommie's shoulder and give her love kisses! And, I also likes to hide in my little tent.

My most favoritest food is BANANA CHIPS!

I HIGHLY DISAPPROVE of those black and white dogs that live in my house.

A bit about me: I am a lover bun. I likes just about everybody, but the Mommie is my favorite. I make all kinds of noises when I eat and when I am groomin my hoomin. Mommie says I have a bunny purr :) I enjoy long snuggle sessions, romantic dinners of romaine lettuce and bunny pellets, and have no desire for a long term relationship with a handsome buck. My life is perfect, just the way it is!



Thank you for reading… Have a nice day!


Lucy's been mentioned twice in this post! What a special little girl she feels!Duchess looks like a real meanie in that pic!
Oooh I have to remember to enter the RO year book contest! Wow it's already the 18th!!

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