Theoretical abscess treatment.

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Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2008
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Bromsgrove, , United Kingdom
As many of you know with Gizmo she had a severe facial abscess, and although we did everything we could for her it eventually got the better of her (although she fought it with everything she had untill the very end)

I havent realy been myself since it happened and still have severe moments where something will remind me of her and cause me to want to throw up, but never the less I continued researching treatments into abscesses on the hope of helping others.

The method we had down as working with Gizmo was

Surgical removal and packing with antibiotic gauze, penecillin, zithromax and bi-daily hiposcrub washouts. This was confirmed by our vet to have beaten the abscess. However due to its location her inability to eat a propper ammount of food without huge discomfort ment she didnt have the strength to pull through after it was beaten, as much as she tried her poor body couldnt take it.

However the treatment I devised invloves using a treatment from 3rd world countries used by charities. A cheap, effective antibiotic solution which according to my reseach on the components, none are harmful to rabbits and would theoretically be able to be administered by someone at home.

A mixture of Vascelene (used to keep the tissues moist and comfortable) Glucose (strong sugars, well known for its anti-bacterial properties) Sugar (used to aid the Glucose as a solid component) and glycerine (used to make the whole mixture runnier and more easily sucked up by a syringe without diluting the mixture as much as water would)

Theoretcially, this mixture could be replaced daily, has strong antibiotic nature and is not harmful to any healthy living tissues.

I would like to see what others think, but as I am not a vet I can't make a guarantee on it, but from what ive learned, I believe those looking for surgical treatment of abscesses may be able to use this as a complimentary treatment to aid recovery.

Several years back there was a massive forest fire in my region- we ended up in a situation where we had to rescue many singed and burned small animals. Access to the vet at that time was extremely limited, so we were packing the wounds with honey. Many of our small 'patients' had to wait up to a week without seeing a vet, and many did not develop infections. It is known that this technique often works when it is impossible to do anything else.

Your suggestion is interesting as a alternative, I suppose it depends on the vet on what route is best. I believe many doctors know the healing properties of honey/sugar, but I think what holds them back from using this technique is that in many cases it is not as vigorous a treatment as giving anti bacterial shots etc. They know rabbits can go downhill so quickly so many will choose the fastest and most vigorous method possible. Thanks for sharing this though- it shouldn't be discounted in the treatment of animals or humans.
Hey Bon

Great to hear from you. My holland lop recently had 6 teeth extracted and Ihavefelt that he just wasn't going to be able to pull through this. I kept thinking of Gizmo and the excellent care that you gave him. I learned by Gizmo that sometimes when we do things correctly it stillends up to be too much for the rabbit. I really think that that is something that we all need to remember.
I still feel bad that you lost Gizmo and I miss you on the site.

Maybe someday you will consider another rabbit?????

In terms of your treatment I just don't have theeducation on natural treatments to respond to this. I will ,however, always remember this post and if it ever happens that I need to use a solution for an ongoing infection I will try it doubt about it.
Please stay on the forum. :)


Hi Bon, this is a very interesting post.

I come from a country where vet care for rabbits aren't very great at the moment. The vets here treat mostly cats and dogs. So I'm always keen to find out more about treatments for the different illnesses which a rabbit can have. At least I have some methods to discuss with the vet if ever any one of my buns require such treatment.

I'm very interested in what others have to say about this mixture. By the way, I hope it's not a silly question :p the mixture is for application on the abscess site, right?
somebunny wrote:
Hi Bon, this is a very interesting post.

I come from a country where vet care for rabbits aren't very great at the moment. The vets here treat mostly cats and dogs. So I'm always keen to find out more about treatments for the different illnesses which a rabbit can have. At least I have some methods to discuss with the vet if ever any one of my buns require such treatment.

I'm very interested in what others have to say about this mixture. By the way, I hope it's not a silly question :p the mixture is for application on the abscess site, right?

Yes, in general it is just a general antibiotic / antiseptic paste for any sort of wound, however due to the ease of applying and removing it I believe it would be effective with abscesses as changing it daily would allow for constant attacking of the bacteria causing the harm.
angieluv wrote:
Hey Bon

Great to hear from you. My holland lop recently had 6 teeth extracted and Ihavefelt that he just wasn't going to be able to pull through this. I kept thinking of Gizmo and the excellent care that you gave him. I learned by Gizmo that sometimes when we do things correctly it stillends up to be too much for the rabbit. I really think that that is something that we all need to remember.
I still feel bad that you lost Gizmo and I miss you on the site.

Maybe someday you will consider another rabbit?????

In terms of your treatment I just don't have theeducation on natural treatments to respond to this. I will ,however, always remember this post and if it ever happens that I need to use a solution for an ongoing infection I will try it doubt about it.
Please stay on the forum. :)



Hey, cheers for the kind words. Still very shaken up over Gizmo even all this time on, and coming to these forums especially makes my gut wrench.

Some news I wanted to post was the necropsy on Gizmo showed the abscess was.. well anihilated. The swabs taken showed 0 bacteria that was originaly taken from the abscess was present and there was no visual signs of abnormality.

The conclusion as strange as it sounds was natural causes as the abscess was gone, however it is in the vets belief that the strain of 2 opperations in such short time didn't allow for proper recovery and it was all too much.

I would give anything to get her back, however I have since taken in 2 rescue bunnies, which, although they can never be as loving and smart as gizmo was with me, hopefully I can try to find peace with gizmos passing.
Well....everyone know I am more clinical rather than some of the alternative methods. The problem I see here is that any antibiotic aspect here would be much weaker thanany of the targeted drugs. And the major problem with treating an abscess is access to the core...and that contains a totally different type of bacteria....most of them anaerobic....both faculative and obligate. Even our strongest drugs are barely up to the challenge. A topical paste would have no chance whatsoever at anything other than irreleventbacteria. I have issues with surgical intervention in most cases. No doubt, there are some that surgery would be best...but I have never opted for surgery in any of the numerous abscesses be have had here. I have treated abscesses all over the body using targeted antibiotics....and they have never failed. I did have one that had a particularly stubborn piggy backingstrep bacteria (which was aerobic) and a little shift in antibiotic spectrum easily mopped that up....and some of you might remember JoJo's story. Hewas basically put on Hospice watch.We treated his mandibular abscess totally by drugs. He isstill here....healthy and very happy with no signs of an abscess.

I really have no problem with alternative type certain situations. Honey was mentioned and I have seen honey work...for minor issues.I think you have some good points but in the real world of an abscess....I don't think it would stand up to the challenge.


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