Taking a bunny outside

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Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2004
Reaction score
, Ontario, Canada
I don't think Chernish has really ever been outside, not counting trips to the vet.
Should I take him? And if yes then where?
And what are possible bunny reactions?

And also my mom has sprayed her backyard with pesticides thing in thebeginning of summer, is it safe to take him to their backyard?
The first time I took Lenci outside she was veryfreaked out. I haven't taken her out since. She'svery much an "indoor girl." Expect your bunny to be quitenervous.

I would not put your bunny on ground that has been contaminated.
Definitely depends on the bunspersonality. Gir LOVES going outside with his harness, whileGuin would rather cuddle inside. Hoping for some nice snowthis year to see if they like it! Fluff used to love to playin the snow. :)

Also, I wouldnt let your bun on a lawn that has been sprayed, as theywill most likely eat the grass. Wouldnt want those chemicalsfloating around in the buns body!

I would take my buns to the park if people would obey the dang leashlaws. Too many wild roving dogs for my liking.

Some buns really like outside time, but it depends on the bun, you canalso make a run for the bun which is like a mini hutch, Aframe withwood, with chicken wire on two sides. make sure to leave ahiding area and never ever ever leave your bun unattended outside!

I had a hawk eyeing my Fluff once... and he was a 12 pound rabbit!
Thats the whole problem,I have no safe place to take him.
I can put him on the deck in my mom's house, but I would rather try him on the grass.
I am also not sure if it will make him happy.
Its just if I go to the park, and a dog comes toeat the bunny, I won't be able to save him since I am afraid of bigdogs. I'll have to get my husband to come and save us both.
When I first got Apollo I took him onmy front porch. That way I could see if he would be overly scared orcurious. Apollo absolutely loved it. Since it was a small area to beginwith he didn't feel over-whelmed. I would try taking him on the deckfirst.

Good Luck.

If you put a harness/leash on him, you can readily pick him up in the case of a predator dog, or some such.

In my experience, first time out can be a little overwhelming and bynature rabbits are not particularly adventurous. They arecurious, however, and eventually do enjoy the great outdoors.

All our buns free range in our fenced in back yard on alternatedays. There is a "safe house" for them to retreat to in casethey are alarmed by any other creature or event. Rarely willthey ever voluntariliy return to the house or their hutches and usuallymust be netted each evening...crazy bunny people that we are, to ourneighbors.

The girl I got Murphy from (Flemish Giant) saidshe would let the babies run around outside all the time in a big dogpen. The other day I took Murphy out in a little fenced areaI made just for him and he loves it. It's only a small littlearea but he still likes to hop around and eat grass and weeds andsuch.

One question though, are leaves ok for him to eat. While wewere out there he ate like 4 little leaves. I don't thinkthey will hurt him but I thought I should ask anyway.


Buck Jones wrote:

In my experience, first time out can be a little overwhelming and by nature rabbits are not particularly adventurous.

Bub must be a mutant, then. :pHe took off running as soon asthat harness was on--and we were in a totally unfamiliar campgroundwith lots of people. I swear, he greeted them ALL!



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