Simon is out to give me a heart attack

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Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2008
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Elkton, Maryland
Well, my wonderful little snicker doodle decided to munch on a door stopper. All of the rubber is completely gone. He was hiding behind his cage and I was wondering what he was doing. So I walk over and what do I see, all the white of the stopper was gone.

Call the vet. They say bring him in asap, talking about xrays and surgery. My heart oh god. Pricing that out at 200 and keep going depending.

I called Randy...he says surgery is iffy to begin with on this one.

So we will be pushing hay, water, and everything else Randy told me to. I am asking for everyones good thoughts on this. Randy said if we get to this time tomorrow without problems we should be in the clear.
He is munching down on is hay right now. He really does like that alfalfa.

So here is to hoping for lots of poop for the next 24 hours.

Please everyone keep your fingers crossed we will get through this, without a problem....

I'm scared....
oh god how scary I wish you a day full of solid poops, healthey appetite
I'd give him some canned pumpkin, it's great wet fiber and slides right though them.

He really is running you through the mill, isn't he? :devil

If it makes you feel any better, my guys have eaten rubber, plastic, drywall, every kind of fabric imaginable, styrofoam.. you name it. Never a problem. (Knock wood).

You may want to invest in some extra NIC panels to place all over the house in strategic places -- although they will invariably find something else to get into to. :biggrin2:

(Sometimes I feel like I'm the one in thecage). ;)

sas :clover: :bunnydance:
Pipp wrote:
I'd give him some canned pumpkin, it's great wet fiber and slides right though them.

He really is running you through the mill, isn't he? :devil

If it makes you feel any better, my guys have eaten rubber, plastic, drywall, every kind of fabric imaginable, styrofoam.. you name it. Never a problem. (Knock wood).

You may want to invest in some extra NIC panels to place all over the house in strategic places -- although they will invariably find something else to get into to. :biggrin2:

(Sometimes I feel like I'm the one in thecage). ;)

sas :clover: :bunnydance:

Thanks luvmyzoocrew much should I let him have of the pumpkin?

I thought I had pretty well blocked off anything of danger, watch the things that could be bad...I chase him away from the velcro all the time. Going to use those plastic ties though so I can stop worrying over that.

Just.....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :grumpy::disgust::pullhair::pullhair::pullhair::pullhair:

Orchid wrote: much should I let him have of the pumpkin?

Just a tablespoor or two to start off with I'd think. I never like feeding anybunny too much of anything new, although pumpkin really is a safe bet.

sas :bunnydance:
He has diarhea.

I offered some pumpkin, and he ate a little but not much. He is snubbing his hay, but did take a really big drink. Almost emptied his crock. He looks tired, so I am going to let him be right now. He is cleaning himself up a little and seems to want to be left alone. He has been hanging out on his shelf....

Orchid wrote:
He has diarhea.

I offered some pumpkin, and he ate a little but not much. He is snubbing his hay, but did take a really big drink. Almost emptied his crock. He looks tired, so I am going to let him be right now. He is cleaning himself up a little and seems to want to be left alone. He has been hanging out on his shelf....


Maybe that'sfrom the hay if you switched to alfalfa quickly, it's a lot higher protein, a lot richer. Was he getting timothy before? We'll see what the others say. (I'd be inclined to mix it with Timothy).

The pumpkin should help.

sas :clover:
Since I brought home the three new bags of hay, he hasn't really touched any of it except the alfalfa. He has been eating it since...Sunday. No problems until today.
He has the orchard in his rack and I have seem him there a time or two, Oat in the ball and he nibbles at that sometimes, timothy and botanical in his litter pans, alfalfa on his shelf, my floor, my couch etc. :)

He ate a little pumpkin but not much.

I think he really wants to be left alone now, so I am leaving him alone. Though all I want is to hug n hold him..sigh. He's sleeping on his shelf.
Yeah...he looks like he is in a solid sleep. Flat on his side with his ears at an odd angle. He looks very cute right now.
and me? Jacked up on like 4 cups of coffee staring at his tummy...making sure it keeps going up and down, up and
Thanks Trailsend...

I worry too much about everything...but I really would like one solid week with just happy bunny times and no
Prayers said for Simon!

I've been giving our lionhead, Poodle, fresh pumpkin from the can since she is molting so much. She really enjoys it. You could even pour some water into it to make it a bit watery too.

but you know, i wouldn't freak out about it. my two are ridiculous--they've eaten nearly all the buttons off my remote, several pieces of heavy plastic, and the rubber part of the door stopper just like you are describing. no problems, just kept right on pooping. keep they hay coming and things should be ok!
[/align] poor thing!! What a crazy week!! :shock:

Here's hoping for lots and lots of :litterhealthy: and for things to turn out just fine. So many buns have ingested so many things...

I think the pumpkin is a wonderful's so great. :)

And I think you're wise to leave him be when he wants to sleep. Must be rough to have Human Slave all up in a tizzy! ;)

Try to keep yourself calm, as he'll pick up on your stress, and that might make things seem worse with his health than it really is (as in stress him into not eating as much, etc.).

:pray: and:hug: for you both,

Eep! I would be scared too! I hope that if he did eat the rubber, he poops it all out like a champ. I'll be waiting to hear that he's okay and back to normal. You know, he reminds me of my Tallulah in more ways than one... cute baby bunny, one ear up and one down, seems like there's always something to worry about with them...
I wanted to thank everyone who lent their thoughts and wishes. Not to mention keeping me sane today.

Simon did eat some pumpkin, though he doesn't seem to like it unless it is watered down and coming from the feeding syringe. Go figure..he is spoiled rotten.
I am still seeing tiny poops and normal poops, but they are not smushy and not slimy anymore.

He has been running and playing some and though he doesn't seem to be having a normal Simon day, he does seem ok.

I will probably take him to the vet on Monday just to set my mind at ease and check his tum.

Thanks again to everyone...think I will be off for the night. I am pretty tired. I will be keeping all the buns n family of buns in my thoughts who need the good wishes and hope all the buns who don't need any, stay not needing any!

Happy weekend!
Glad to hear his poops seem like they are somewhat returning to normal. I hope he makes a complete recovery.

Take care of you and get some sleep. :)

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