Should I breed this rabbit?

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Jun 9, 2006
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We have a mini-lop that is BEAUTIFUL......perfect in every way. HOWEVER, she has a mismatched toenail on her back foot. AAAGGGHHH!!

Question.....when this bunny is old enough (she's only 4 months right now), should I breed her? Will this mismatched toenail be an inheritable trait or not? (Tracing back in her pedigree, there are NO dq's for mismatched toenails.)

Thanks much for your help!
Yes, she is a broken chestnut agouti........a BEAUTIFUL Dark color........I cannot find a single thing negative to say about this bunny except for the DQ'd single black nail.
Of what breed?

I know at least with Mini Rex, there is no DQ for mismatched nails on Brokens. There is however, DQ's for mismatched nails on Solids.

But to answer your question... did you notice any damage to the nail? Could it have been broken at one pointwhen she was younger? If not, then unfortunately it is a geneticly inheritable trait that will be passed onto offspring and resulting decendants. You will have to keep a close eye on those that are born and watch for any more that pop up.

Sunshine and Pam.....

Thank you SO SO SO much for replying!!!! Once I read your post, I pulled out my standard of perfection........and found that "I" had mis-read what it said! YOU ARE RIGHT! It is a fault in a broken mini-lop and a dq in a solid mini-lop!I totally messed up! (This will teach me to read more carefully!!) I am SO thankful for making this inquiry, as otherwise, we would have pulled this beautiful doe from our daughters show bunnies! I know that "Cinnamon" CAN go to the next show with us! We might not use her as a breeder, as we don't want to pass on this trait, but I think that she will be a great asset to my daughter's 4-H Show program!

Thanks again, Pam....and everyone else that replied! :) Have a WONDERFUL day!
If she does well at the shows... I would keep her as a brood doe in a Broken program. No sense wasting those great traits of Type, Fur, etc. that she could pass on to her offspring ;)- and who knows, you could get some awesome babies out of her WITHOUT the mismatched nails. Just keep an eye out for them.

I wouldn't breed her to a broken due to the chance of getting charlies in the litter.

There's no reason not to use her for breeding tosolidsthough -- and the fault is so small in broken Mini Lops, it is really of no concern. I doubt that you'd ever get a judge that would even mention it.

Hope she does well for you!


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