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Feb 3, 2012
Reaction score
Fargo, North Dakota, USA
I have a 9.5lb neutered flemish cross buck who is 6 months old. I brought him to the vet on Monday as he had what appeared to be two seizures during the night. The first he was hunched up, middle spasming and his mouth was continuously moving. I thought he might be choking and had no idea what to do, but thankfully it resolved itself quickly. The second seizure was three hours later and presented with Cuddles spinning around backwards on his backside, tongue visible and mouth moving again. This lasted 3-5 minutes. Both times he returned entirely back to normal immediately after the attack. My husband also believes he may have had another episode a month ago when I was overseas.

The vet believes they may be seizures brought on by stress, as a month ago he was neutered, and last week I had brought home a doe to bond. Their first encounter went well with buzzing and mounting, general friendliness, but latter attempts have been aggressive or defensive....another problem for another time.

I'm worried because he just had another episode just now, with the backward bum spinning and moving mouth. Earlier today I did have a 'stressful' bonding session with them both enjoying banana in a neutral room but Cuddles only growled twice! Progress!

Could this be something more serious than the odd seizure?
I would definitely take him to the vet to get checked out as seizures can cause permanent brain damage. I had a 5 month old that I had to get put to sleep 3 days ago because he kept having seizures.
I did take him to the vet three days ago. He just had another seizure, only lasted about 30 seconds, but the poor fella was just taking a nap then went to his food bowl for a snack when it happened. I don't think he was stressed as he was relaxed prior and today he has been binkying and himself. I'll call the vet in the morning and ask for an array of tests.
Went to the vet again today and had a blood test for a neurologic profile and the optional toxoplasmosis titer. They also gave me Valium to dose rectally during any seizures over the weekend. I sure hope Cuddles is fine and I don't have to subject him to further indignities.

This visit came to $600; pretty pricey for a rabbit I rescued from someones dinner table >.<
Yea, rabbit care can get a bit pricey. But to some, it's about the bunny, not the price.

Hats off to you for saving that bunny. Hoping you find out what's really wrong with Cuddles. It is a bit unnerving and scary seeing them go through those seizures.

Please keep us updated. And would love to see a pic of your sweet Cuddles.

No seizures today :D Here's a couple pictures of Cuddles:
At 10 weeks
At 6 months

Cuddles has since gotten worse :(

He has had seizures for the past four days and last night he had 6 within 12 hours and completely lost his litterbox training and goes anywhere in the house (lives free range). We visited the vet again 2 days ago and did follow up blood tests because potassium was low and liver enzymes high. His pasturella and toxoplasmosis both came back negative, so we suspect E. cuniculi (still waiting on that test) and started Panacur that day. But his worsening situation has me worrying about his prognosis. He is also spending most of his time in his quiet spot and doesn't want to socialize unless I bribe him with banana.

Should his situation be getting worse after starting his treatment??? :(

On a brighter note, my english lop girl spooned in bed with me this morning. Head on the pillow and body under covers, her idea. Soooo cute but sometimes a bit clingy lol.
I'm sure sorry that he's had a setback. Sometimes meds can seem to make things worse at first, but you'll probably want to call the vet Tues if his condition isn't improving by then.
I found when Neville was sick with "Wry Neck" he did have a setback once he took the medication, but then started rallying back. It might be happening with Cuddles.

I agree if he gets worse or stays the same in the next couple days, to get Cuddles back to the Vet. My Rabbit Savvy vet told me the same thing with Neville.

Hoping Cuddles feels better soon.

Also glad to hear about the snuggle with your English Lop. Must have been cute.


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