RIP Sir Ashton

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RIP Sir Ashton My thoughts are with you.

It is often a common reaction to one passing and even more so to a special one passing. I've had rabbits my whole life and have lost alot in that time frame, and i have to say there are times when one passes, esp a very special bun and the thought come to my mind after all these years.

you will be ok, love on your other bun, and take it one day at a time.

:bigtears:I'm so sorry for your loss. Try not to make any decisions right now. :pray:that your grief will ease, and that your memories of Sir Ashton and the love that you will always have for him will see you through this time of sorrow.

:angelandbunny:Rest well, Sir Ashton. You were cherished on this earth.
I'm so sorry, I've been thinking about Ashton all the time, he's always in the back of my mind. Of course he is your baby and you love him the most, but maybe it's a teeny comfort to know that lots of other people love him too.
I just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone for the love you've shown Ashton and I. It's been a really rough couple of days. I am fine and then all of a sudden I will start to cry. It's even more frustrating because it was completely unexpected and he was so young. I've been checking all the others like a hawk to see if I had missed something but I don't see anything at all. I had just played with him the night before...

One thing I must say...

Peg, thank you so much. If it weren't for you going around, reminding everyone about the importance of taking pictures, I probably would have stayed on my buttthat day. However, thanks to your reminder, I did take them out and take photos so now I have pictures that date from 2 days before he passed. And since I took him out that day and the night before he passed, at least I feel like he did get some spoiling before he passed. He had a nice juicy piece of apple, nice fresh hay, lots of nose rubs...


I am still sad. He was such a sweetie and so gorgeous.:(2007-2008 are just bad years. Feel like someone threw me a curse. :tears2:


RIP buddy:bunnyangel: Go find Wiggles and go binky with her.:cry1:
MsBinky wrote:
I just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone for the love you've shown Ashton and I. It's been a really rough couple of days. I am fine and then all of a sudden I will start to cry. It's even more frustrating because it was completely unexpected and he was so young.
You're going to find that you may continue to be like that for a bit - partly because it was so unexpected and partly because he was so young. Since it was so unexpected you're going to question everything you saw or thought or might have seen or felt up until he died.

Of course - all of those questions will cause tears.

You will make it through this - I promise. Right now your heart feels broken - and it is broken - you are missing a piece of it and you will never be quite the same.

But you will be a better person for the memories you carry in your heart of Ashton...

I know that doesn't make it better or make it hurt less.

All I can say is will make it through. Just give yourself time.

That picture is so sweet! I'm really glad you took photos of him recently. I hope you have lots of others, too! I haven't taken pictures of my bunnies in a couple weeks, I need to do it. Tallulah is a little sick right now and I was afraid to go to bed last night in case she died during the night, after all Ashton wasn't even a little sick and died anyway :( I'm so sorry about his death, it's really hard to grasp that the sweet bun you were enjoying time with a few days ago won't be coming back :cry2 Gosh, I really hope I'm not making you feel worse! Just know that I'm thinking of you and your bunnies and wish I could take your pain away.
Thank you everyone.

The guilt is slowly starting to subside.I am still shocked by it but I cannot change it now. I do know that I played with him, I checked him out, and I really didn't see anything wrong. I guess sometimes you just can't stop these things from happening.

A good part of me is wondering if he didn't fall off the top shelf. I do vaguely remember a *thump* sound and Houdina getting up to check but it was really early morning and I was too asleep to really think anything of it. Who knows really. *Sigh*

Part of me is really annoyed that it is Ashton. Once again, it's a special bunny of mine. He was given to me by Mario as a sgift for our engagement. I admit, I haven't stopped questioning whether, with everything that has happened, if the entire engagement idea didn't die as well. It's just been an awful year. Ashton had that special meaning for me and the timing just was quite awful. :(Mario never even got to see him in person. :(

This morning I got up and started to cry because in the mornings I usually stepped out of my bedroom and said "Bunneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehh" and he'd hop to the cage and wait for his nose rubs.

He wasn't there though. :cry1:
RIP Sir Ashton
Binky free little boy
Ms. Binky, I am terribly sorry for your loss :(

Ashton was beautiful, and I really enjoy looking at his photos. I hope you don't blame yourself...these things sadly happen.

Binky free, Ashton.

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years."--Abraham Lincoln

And you have Ashton a great life, it may have been short, but that's not nobody's fault.

:rainbow:RIP special boy...
MsBinky wrote:
I just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone for the love you've shown Ashton and I. It's been a really rough couple of days. I am fine and then all of a sudden I will start to cry.

I am so sorry for (and crying over) your loss.:cry2 There's nothing wrong with crying as much as you need. I, and so many others here, wish thatno one ever had to experience such hurt; it just downright sucks.

Hopefully, in time,you'll think more of the good moments spent with Ashton and find a smile playing 'round your lips.

Binky on, dear Ashton....:rainbow:


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