Rabbit suddenly not eating (RIP)

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Sep 11, 2021
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Frankfort, IL
Our rabbit Norm has suddenly stopped eating. He is a standard size rabbit and is approximately 9 years old. He ate this morning like he usually does. He has been to the vet three times now in the past month for inappetence. They dispensed an antibiotic the first time. 2nd time he was still on the antibiotic and they did a blood test and an x-ray. Blood test came back normal and the x-ray did not show anything. The last time I brought him in they dispensed an antibiotic and metoclopramide. He bounced back within a few days. The one thing that has been going on for the past month is both him and his partner Lola (dwarf rabbit) have been shedding profusely. I have never seen either of them shed this much - though this is there shedding time. And Norm grooms Lola all the time. She does not reciprocate. I was thinking maybe ingesting the fur is causing him issues.

I have been adding Health Gut Probiotic once a day.

We groom both of them as well. And have been doing so lately far more than usual because as I said they are shedding a lot right now.

I force fed him some Critical Care and gave him a dose of metoclopramide. If he does not turn around by Monday we will get him to the vet right away. Do not think it is stasis. Lola has had plenty of experience with stasis and these signs look a little different. Norm has never had it.

He is popping and peeing. Though the poops do not look good. Some are small and some are bunched together.

Just wondering if ingesting rabbit fur could cause this?
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It could be the ingestion of too much fur is causing a gut slowdown from not enough fiber to keep it moving through. Though if he's continuing to poop as you syringe feed, I think GI stasis isn't likely. Are both your buns good hay eaters?

Then I would be thinking there's some other underlying health problem causing the lack of appetite, even though the tests came back normal. Possibly age related problems.

Did the vet do a thorough dental exam? And were the xrays of just the belly, or head xrays as well? Was a fecal float test done?

Any particular reason an antibiotic is being prescribed? Are there signs of an infection being present and being the cause of the lack of appetite? Has the pain med meloxicam also been prescribed for these episodes?

Is your vet an experienced rabbit vet?
We gave them their evening meal - pellets and Oxbow Joint Support and Digestive Support and he ate the biscuits on his own. Norm has a history of dental issues. Last time I took him the vet did find one back molar that had a hook on it. It was digging into his cheek. She took care of it. Yes, the vet he goes to is a rabbit vet. The x-ray was a full body x-ray. Vet said everything looked good.

The antibiotic was prescribed because he had the bad poops. I keep thinking the bad poops are being caused by ingesting the shedding because it started a short time after the shedding started.

Norm has never been a good hay eater. Though since they have been together his hay intake has increased. Lola is a hay eating monster. She is a little two pound dwarf rabbit but eats a huge amount of hay every day.

He was prescribed meloxicam as well for arthritis but we typically do not give it because he shows no signs of discomfort. Though we did give it to him tonight.

Keeping the buns separate tonight so we can monitor how much food he is eating and how much he is pooping.
Are the poops strung together by fur, or what are they looking like? A photo might be helpful.

If he's continuing to poop, it means there isn't likely a complete blockage or bloat , so in that situation I would keep up the syringe feeding every 4-6 hours as needed, until getting to the vet on Monday. This will help prevent GI stasis from setting in. Though of course if his condition changes and/or worsens, getting to a rabbit vet before then is essential, if possible where you are.

If he continues to poop but he's still not eating well on his own by Monday, maybe the vet could do a fecal float test, just to rule out intestinal parasites as the cause of the lack of appetite. Another dental exam might be needed as well.
We ended up taking him to an emergency vet this morning. They did another blood test and said he now has kidney disease. Not kidney failure yet. But he is anemic. They are have him on an IV for the next 24 hours. Vet looked at his teeth and mouth and said they look ok.

Vet did not really offer any long term care options. I think the numbers from the blood test today might be a little skewed because he did not drink much water yesterday. I would expect him to bounce back fairly quickly. Just not sure what the long term game plan is. We have had cats that were given daily subq fluids.

Wondering if anyone has any input for long term kidney failure care?
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Darn :(

It would depend if this is an acute episode or chronic kidney failure. With acute failure, it's possible it can be cured with the proper treatment. Chronic failure, it's about managing the condition as best you can, with diet and meds. But one med you should no longer give is the meloxicam, because it affects the kidneys.

One potential cause of chronic kidney failure to consider in rabbits, is e. cuniculi. So treatment for that may be needed as well, if your vet determines it as the cause.

We had to put Norm to sleep today. He was on an IV and in an Oxygen cage when we got there. He was not getting better. The vet said that his breathing was actually getting worse and that his kidneys were likely shutting down. We made the tough decision to have him euthanized there. I wanted to bring him home so he could have a little time left with Lola and then do in home euthanasia. But the vet strongly advised against that.

Norm and Lola in happier times. Even with a large open space they were usually together.


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im sorry to hear this
im sure he had 9 good long years with you and now binky free without any pain
We had to put Norm to sleep today. He was on an IV and in an Oxygen cage when we got there. He was not getting better. The vet said that his breathing was actually getting worse and that his kidneys were likely shutting down. We made the tough decision to have him euthanized there. I wanted to bring him home so he could have a little time left with Lola and then do in home euthanasia. But the vet strongly advised against that.

Norm and Lola in happier times. Even with a large open space they were usually together.
I’m so sorry for your loss! You fought a good fight for Norm! I feel your pain! Thank goodness he is out of any discomfort ❤️💕🐇🐇🥲🥲
@EdwardV, My empathy or condolence hugs go out to you.

Proceeding with a gentle PTS is never easy, so the final-act-of-love is often the best decision if there is little hope of recovery or bouncing back.
Yes, nine years of your and Lola's love is something to look back on later - after grief eases

Jbun always offers good advice and provides links for educational purposes.

Thoughts are with you as you heal from Norm's gentle PTS.
I’m so sorry for your loss! You fought a good fight for Norm! I feel your pain! Thank goodness he is out of any discomfort ❤️💕🐇🐇🥲🥲
Im so sorry for you loss, mu warmest condolences… i have the same problem with mine, please anyone can help?? She stops eating the day before yesterday and that night i started force feeding her, yesterday i gave her critical cear as today and also primperan!! But she is not pooping😞 so i guess she has gi stasis rightnow, how can i make her poop?? I feel her belly full and blocked!! I can’t give her more food because she is suffering…
Im so sorry for you loss, mu warmest condolences… i have the same problem with mine, please anyone can help?? She stops eating the day before yesterday and that night i started force feeding her, yesterday i gave her critical cear as today and also primperan!! But she is not pooping😞 so i guess she has gi stasis rightnow, how can i make her poop?? I feel her belly full and blocked!! I can’t give her more food because she is suffering…

Please start your own thread in the 'Health and Wellness' subforum concerning your rabbits eating problems, as it's best not to be distracting from the content here, of the OP's thread.

Everybody, thank you for the condolences with Norm. We miss him greatly.

We did end of fostering the 10 year old bun in this thread. Is a non-neutered male rabbit harder to bond with a female rabbit? Lola seems very interested as does Oreo. The only thing that separates them is a wire mesh divider and we have seen no aggression at all. In fact they are usually right by each other.

We found out his previous owner kept him in a small cage his whole life. He is enjoying the open living space we have here. Also he has taken a liking to one of our cats. Cat is actually scared of him and runs away.
Darn :(

It would depend if this is an acute episode or chronic kidney failure. With acute failure, it's possible it can be cured with the proper treatment. Chronic failure, it's about managing the condition as best you can, with diet and meds. But one med you should no longer give is the meloxicam, because it affects the kidneys.

One potential cause of chronic kidney failure to consider in rabbits, is e. cuniculi. So treatment for that may be needed as well, if your vet determines it as the cause.

I just lost my bunny today and I’ m thinking why and how we come to this end… This that you say that meloxicam you have to not give if the bunny has kidney failure, so my question is that med also can cause kidney failure?
I think my bunny had chronic or acute kidney failure and my vet didn’t/couldn’t diagnose it so we came to this point today that she had other issues too that were too much to handle, this little thing, 11 years old!! So a few days ago she stops eating and pooping, and today she died😢 This month and the previous month she has taken meloxicam with antibiotics because she had some problems with the urine also… so i guess we destroyed completely her kidneys day by day, actually maybe we were poisoning her than trying helping her and I didn’ t know… so that’s why is very very important to run to a vet when needed who’s is specialist to bunnies… Unfortunately I run to one yesterday but it was too late😢

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