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When you found this forum, early on, it was only after a few of your notes that I knew that you are a Quick Study.

I have always been amazed your maturity and intelligence. I recognizedvery early on that something didn't have to be said twice in order foryou to remember it.

You are a Deep Diver. You choose not to skim the waters. Your heartcalls, and you dive deep to find the answers. The thirst you have forknowledge, combined with your open mind and your instincts is such agift to us all.

I miss you when you're gone, and whenever I see you post, I always read it.

Carolyn wrote:

When you found this forum, early on, it was only after a few of your notes that I knew that you are a Quick Study.

I have always been amazed your maturity and intelligence. I recognizedvery early on that something didn't have to be said twice in order foryou to remember it.

You are a Deep Diver. You choose not to skim the waters. Your heartcalls, and you dive deep to find the answers. The thirst you have forknowledge, combined with your open mind and your instincts is such agift to us all.

I miss you when you're gone, and whenever I see you post, I always read it.

<insert embarassed smily here> Awe shucks Carolyn.

But I must admit that I do not learn that fast. Quite often people haveto correct my mistakes in posts because I stated something wrong. Youjust don't notice it so much now becaues I avoid posts that I'm not sosure about. ;)

As for my level of maturity, I will not deny that, though I will statethat my maturity has actually been the same for 5 years and has notchanged one bit.

Intellegent? Perhaps, but no more than any other average person.

I don't like just skimming the surface for the simple fact that I craveto understand why. I do not like knowing something and not knowing whythat is how it is.

I think you're selling yourself short, Laura.

I have seen you make a mistake, and I've seen you own up to it and notmake the same mistake again. That, to me, is a quick study.

There have been things you've pointed out on this forum that no oneelse has. That, to me, is someone that is alert and thinking.

Einstein said, "The important thing is to never stop questioning." Ibelieve that's in your character, and you are becoming a great teacher.

I love this forum. I've never joined anythinglike this before, mainly because peoples attitudes on other groupsleave something to be desired. Fergi is right, it is an addiction and Ialways seem to be catching up with everyones news, and sitting at thecomputer for ages. Everyone is so friendly and it's great to have aplace to come when you have a problem, bunny related or not. You ROCK!!(Disappointed I missed the picture of you, though, Carolyn;)) - Jan
LuvaBun wrote:
(Disappointed I missed the picture of you, though, Carolyn;)) - Jan
*Raspberry whispers in Luvabun's ear*

"We'll work something out on thatpicture thing"

When I joined, I went back to page one, and readevery single post. I still to this day...read EVERY SINGLE post. LOLyes....I'm crazy. I value everything that people say here. I learnsomething almost every time I read. I will never be without a bun again.
RaspberrySwirl wrote:
LuvaBun wrote:
(Disappointed Imissed the picture of you, though, Carolyn ;))?? -?? Jan
*Raspberry whispers in Luvabun's ear*

?? "We'll work something out on that picturething"??

? ?Raspberry



Elf Mommy wrote:
When I joined, I went back to page one, and read everysingle post. I still to this day...read EVERY SINGLEpost. LOL yes....I'm crazy. I value everything that people sayhere. I learn something almost every time I read. I will never bewithout a bun again.
WOW! :shock: I'm impressed! You crazy lady!


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