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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2008
Reaction score
Salyersville, Kentucky, USA
Like I said on another post, somewhere, my cousin and I were going to try and fix one of my hutches and hang it in the building. Well... we did but part of me is no longer attacked to my body. I have had more skin ripped off of me today than I have in forever. I even got shoved to the ground and landed on my wrist, not just my body landed on my hand but the pile of wood I feel on decided to fall over and help smash my wrist. *grumbles* After 4-5 LONG painful hours the ready to fall a part 5 hole hutch is now a sturdy, trashy looking :coolness:, 3 hole hutch. In a few weeks I hope he will help me do one of my other ones but after today I am not sure :grumpy:It was back breaking.

So what we did wasstablize up some of the 8 year old crumbling wood frame, replace the wire bottom with a wood one and take down 2 wire walls. Insted of having one 2'x22" andfour 1'.8"x22" holes it now has one 2'x22" and two 3'.4"x22" holes. We got them hung and by that time I was loosing my mind,I was singing about constapation and laughing uncontrolably.

After eating and driving him to his dads I came home and with my handy flash light took Almond, hay, water, bedding and a pan to use for a top for tonight. Tomorrow I am going to find something for a top. Tomarrow Z and Chess will be going out if Z is still doing good. I currently have them inside in a hallway together so I can monitor Z better, Chess is in because she got loose! OUTSIDE! WITH CATS! Luckly it was nothing to catch her.

I feel about 20 years older, my body is in pain :grumpy:
I took everyone out there and got them set up today. Z is between the two lovely ladies Almond and Chess. Almond has the smallest cage, she is not very active so I thought it was best. The babies are all over the place and love all the room. When I put in the toys they where hopping all around. As soon as I added Z's box he jumped on it and almost flattened it. I try to show him that you go IN it not on it but you know how babies are.

It is amazing how much warmer it is in the building even with one of three doors missing and the gaps in the wood. I put things up against the gaps where the wind was hitting the bunnies so to better protect them.

I will stop babbling now ;)
Oh wow! That just sound like an "ouchie"!
I'm sorry about your wrist and back getting hurt.
And I agree with Emily, you should post some pics of the set-up. :)

If nothing happens I will put the batteries in the charge tonight. Going to babysit in the morning and they are closer to our building than we are so it is just a few feet away. I will forsure get pictures ifI remember:)
I got a few pictures, I will get more later. Currently on the laptop so I can't load them till we get home tonight.

When I went out the first time Z was in the box I gave him xD I think he stayed in it all night trying to keep warm.

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