Oops, I was supposed to do this first

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Mar 22, 2007
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I should have known better since I've been posting on message boards for years. Sorry!

My name is Sara. I'm a 30 year old stay-at-home married momof four children aged 13 through 5 years. I don't have abunny yet but stay tuned because it's in the works. The bunnyis NOT for my children; he or she will be MY baby.

I'm hoping to adopt an angora because my sister spins and weaves and Iknow she could use whatever fur I collect so it would make for a happytwo-for-one. We have a large side yard that is half shaded byour grape arbor that I plan to fence in to make a huge rabbit run formy single bunny. My husband has plans in place to make a hugecastle for a hutch and because I live on the outskirts of a small citythere aren't too many four-legged predators around. I'm evenplanning my vegetable garden around the bunny instead of what mykids'll eat. I think it'll be like bunny paradise.I can't wait to lay in the cool grass and have my bunny feelcomfortable enough to come hop on my head.

I feel like a first-time mother with all my questions. I'mnervous I'll feed the bunny the wrong foods or not hold it correctly ornot stimulate it's brain enough or hurt it's feelings or make too muchnoise or... or... or... or.... So I apologize for mycontinuous questions but I do appreciate all the answers and support.
Hello Sara, :welcome1 to RO!

Wow, that's going to be one lucky bunny, I'm looking forward to seeing what the castle turns out like!

Feel free to ask as many questions as you want,but you willfind our Bunny 101 section very useful, it has pretty much everythingyou need to know about caring for petbunnies. Clickhere

Enjoy the forum!:happydance

Michaela:), Ebony:bunny5 and Pebble:anotherbun
Hi Sara! :wave2

You are SUCH a welcome addition! (I love a girl who can research!)

I hope to see a lot of you -- although with four kids, I won't beexpecting you 24/7. I imagine you have a lot on you plate --and theirs! :juggle

I'll be watching for updates.

Thanks for signing up! :thanks:

sas :)

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