Ms.Daisy's Visit to the vet

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Pam - We haven't got grass in our garden theyjust go on the concrete - but now you mention itI put a coverover the hutch at night to stop the cold/rain getting in and alsoa waterproof cover over that - Now I forgot to put thewaterproof bit on, one night and just put the cover over thinking itwas a nice night but it started raining in the night so the cover gotdamp. Do you think it could be that that has caused it :(?

Foot powder for people - will that be ok? Should I just put a bit on her nose?

DaisyNBuster wrote:
Pam - We haven't got grass in our garden they just go on theconcrete - but now you mention itI put a cover over the hutchat night to stop the cold/rain getting in and also awaterproof cover over that - Now I forgot to put the waterproof bit on,one night and just put the cover over thinking it was a nice night butit started raining in the night so the cover got damp. Do you think itcould be that that has caused it :(?

Foot powder for people - will that be ok? Should I just put a bit on her nose?


Yes -- foot powder for people works well on some types of fungus that infect animals.

Is she exposed to the dampness from the cover -- can she get her nosein it? Could also be a bacterial infection from coprophagydue to urine or feces getting on the nose. Advanced scabbingcan often be traced to vent disease.

From the looks of it, it does appear to be fungal though.

Pam - Thanks. No it isn't close enough for her toget her nose to touch it. Does she have to be exposed to it? It is nolonger like that now though.

All I can do for the moment is try the foot powder. The vet did say ifI get to worried to take her and they will keep her in :shock:. I mayhave to though. I'll give her the weekend on the foot powder first andsee how she is on Monday (if I haven't heard by then).

Again thanks for your advice!

Please do let us know, you must be sooworried- I know when my girl had her bug, I was almost in a state of panic butthe medication kicked in and within2 days she wasMz.UNCONTROLLABLEbinky queen! and I do believesheate everythingin sight (this coming from the girl who wouldnteven nibble on pellets2 days previous!)

The reason for my rambing? To re-assure you Isuppose..

xo Cher
DaisyNBuster wrote:
Pam - Thanks. No it isn't close enough for her to get hernose to touch it. Does she have to be exposed to it? It is no longerlike that now though.

It would take direct contact with fungal spores if it is a fungus.


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