licking the couch instead of me

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Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
Reaction score
Alaska, USA
Why does Rory groom the couch instead of me when I'm petting him? I assumed he was doing it because my hand was over his head so he couldn't lick it, but a couple months ago when I tried putting my other hand near the front of his face so he could lick me while I petted him, he bit me! He doesn't usually bite and it wasn't very hard, but I took the hint that he doesn't want to lick me. Oh and he usually has no problem with me putting my fingers in front of his face or anything.

Does anyone else's rabbit lick something else instead of them when they're being petted? Why do they do it? Curious minds want to know! :)
Jamie licks my shirt oor pants. i think they might like the fuzz. that's just my idea, that it feels more like fur. he tends to do it more when i have cotton knits on, for whatever that's worth:p
I think in his way he IS licking you. The couch has your scent on it and you're kind of wearing the couch...well maybe it makes sense to a bunny!
When I first got Bennett, I would hold him in my arms and he would just lick my shirt but not me. Somebody told me that was him grooming me! (Clothes=fur) Eventually he did work up to kissing my hand and then my face.
I'm sure he means for you to take it as a compliment :pet:
Amelia outright refuses to lick me, my clothes, or anything near me. She will bite (not very hard, just enough to get her point across) if I am in any inconveniencing her or if she thinks I'm in her way.

Nick will lick my pajama pants in the morning when he gets his banana treat, but never any other time, and he will not lick if I don't have long pants on.

Tobi will lick my fiance's face (the other two bunnies won't lick him) whenever he puts it within her reach. She prefers to bite me, however, or growl at me.
Ah yes...Billy grooms the couch, the bed, my clothes, and pretty much anything else that is made of fabric. He never grooms skin. Like LadyBug and Emily said, I think it's the fact that fabrics feel more like fur.

On the contrary, Ronnie grooms my feet or hands when I'm not paying attention to him. He doesn't like fabric. Whenever he grooms me it's because he wants something in return. Today it was apple chips and a hump. Well, that's every day for Ronnie...:disgust:
I also think they're being sassy when they do that. They like what you're doing, but won't stoop to licking a human!

from The Language of Lagomorphs:

"Some rabbits will lick objects around you, rather than your body or the clothes you're wearing. This is used to indicate that they like you very much even though you're a subordinate. It will be performed very clearly in your view and while watching you. They seem particularly to choose objects that have your scent, such as places where you sit or clothing you're removed. I think it's fair to interpret this as giving you the gift of being groomed, though indirectly."


Little Bay Poo wrote:
Whenever he grooms me it's because he wants something in return. Today it was apple chips and a hump. Well, that's every day for Ronnie...:disgust:

:roflmao:(crack me up!!!!)

Thank goodness I don't have dreams about Ronnie...:shock:


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