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Jul 3, 2010
Reaction score
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Hewwo bunnies. I is new here. I is a year old English Spot or maybe a Hotot. Mommy can't tell because I hab da eyeliner but I also hab da markings.

I am da Pwesident of da World Bunny Dommination Organisation. Hab you eber seen da movie wiv Sally Field about da Union? Well it's kind of like dat but for bunnies. My mission in life is to fight fur da rights of bunnies eberywhere. Kind of like a bunny fweedom fighter although totally better looking and muuuuuch cuter dan Sally field. Although it's wewy hard to be a bunny fweedom fighter when Mommy keeps petting me with her magic hands. Dey turn me into a melty pudle of fur with ears. Dang you magic hands...dang YOUUUUUUU!!!! Ahem...but anyway it's a pwesure to meet yoo all.

Oh oh...and also I fink da One Ring should be made of Banana. I weeeeeeally dig banana.

I, Pippin, hab spoken:)
we iz not liking bananannas - it not go to have food dat you cant spell. we iz liking carots. anyhew, we is planning werld dominashun from our garden in devon. dis in der uk. we has our sekurity gards too. dere are so many bunnies in devon dat we is already taking over:biggrin:

it nice to talk to you - dis spiffy fing wiv da forum - you can talk to bunnehs all over da werld.

luv roxy and hartley

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