I'm sorry I had CinnaBun spayed...

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CB Millicent

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2011
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So she was spayed 4/2 and surgery went well, save for some slight vaginal bleeding after.

First thing I noticed when she was allowed out of her cage (2 weeks) was that she could not periscope--she fell over. I thought maybe it was due to the surgery so let it go, as there were no other symptoms.

Over the past several days, we've noticed she's become more and more unbalanced--falling over when trying to scratch or groom and just wobbly on her feet.

Vet visit today--blood draw for EC and lead poisoning, CBC. Results in a week.

I kept her in her cage today. Tonight, she's worse with the wobbling. Just sent husband to vet to pick up Panacur to try before the blood comes back. Vet says it may be EC that manifested from surgical stress. :(

I know the cancer risk for intact does is high, but man....this sucks.
I don't think it sounds anemic (I'm assuming she isn't still bleeding at this point?) and if she isn't still bleeding, she should have been improving by this point at least a little instead of getting worse. But then again, I've never had this issue...

I really don't have any real advice since I've never dealt with what you're dealing with, but I hope for the best and really hope that it's an easy fix for you guys. Get better CinnaBun :pray:
Sorry to hear of the problems CinnaBuns having. Don't go beating yourself up and second-guessing--you did the right thing, but, sometimes things don't go how we'd like them. We lost Nik-Nik at 6 months and there's not a day that goes by that we don't think about her and miss her, but we didn't do anything wrong--stuff happens. Hope to hear good news soon.
There should not be much bleeding after the spay if it went well. EC usually doesn't come on so quickly. I would be more concerned about poisoning/a bad reaction to the meds they gave her, or blood loss as mentioned/internal bleeding from some error during the surgery, or possibly nerve damage either at the spinal cord or the legs. It is not unheard of to have some nerve damage if the straps on the legs are tied too tight when they position the bunny for the surgery.
Thanks for the reply! Her CBC from yesterday was normal.

I am now looking into every single weed and flower along the back fence in our yard to see if she might have eaten something bad. We have woods behind the fence and some of the flora pops through the fence.
She is still wobbly, and seems to be very weak on her left side. I'm pretty sure it's EC. She's on day 4 of Panacure, so I'm hoping & praying it will work enough that she doesn't have permanent neurological damage. At least she isn't getting worse. It's horrible to watch her. :(
I just heard from the vet. Cinnabun's E.C. titer was negative and CBC was normal. Vet can't figure out why she is falling on her left side. She thinks it could be from contact with raccoon roundworm--but that's grasping at straws. I guess I'll continue the Panacure and Metacam just in case. She's in a makeshift Bun Run outside today so she can get some exercise and she's HAPPY, so that's good.
Interesting that you mention stress from the spay operation. I have three females, all spayed the same day. When one returned it started to wobble and fall. Right away I started with Panacur. The operation was done September 14 last. About 3 weeks ago number 2 started acting strange altho not wobbling but shaking and not eating. Took her to another vet and we could find nothing other than a gaseous stomach. Fed her critical care and gave her fluids sub-q. About 2 months ago my third bunny started falling and I thought it can't be possible that she has EC as well. I ignored it. A week ago Sunday she was the same but Monday she was falling every time. I started Panacur and took her to a vet who told me that EC was the in-word among the rabbit folk and he was convinced she had a very sore back. Does not believe in medicine. No better soI took her to a second vet who was very thorough and thought it might be EC given the signs. She gave her an injection of Dexa-something and has me giving her penicillin injections three times a week in case it is the ear. Still no better so I saw a third vet today, the one who has been seeing my 12 year old all his life, and she also agrees that EC is being thrown about a bit too much in her opinion. She agreed that I carry on with the Panacur and the penicillin but also prescribed Baytril and Dextabs. Having all these chemicals going into her body scare me. Only the penicillin is not going into her stomach.

Today the bunny is far from better. She has had 9 Panacur treatments (of 28) and still has the same problem. it is very sad because here is a once very lively rabbit who ran and jumped and never sat still. Because I neglected to take action when I saw the signs months ago she is now a quiet little girl who just hobbles around. And she is not a year old yet. I feel very bad because of this as she would be the very last creature in the world who deserves this. And it was probably my fault.

As to your rabbit I certainly hope it works out for you. Take the Panacur and you should see something after about 6 days albeit small. As to poisoning it would affect her whole body and not just the left. And from what I understand death comes quickly.

Good luck.
Hi Bill,
It is very interesting that we both have female buns who are exhibiting the same behavior. As I mentioned, Cinnabun's EC titer was zero, and her WBC count was normal, indicating she doesn't have an active bacterial/viral infection.

I am wondering about raccoon roundworm. Do you have raccoons near where you live? Are your buns allowed to roam in your yard?

Cinnabun is allowed in our yard with supervision, and we live near a forest. I am wondering if she has come across some raccoon roundworm larvae. The larvae live for YEARS in the soil and are nearly impossible to destroy. Here's a House Rabbit Society article about it here:http://www.hrschicago.org/rabbitfr.html

Cinnabun is on day 8 of Panacure. The vet said I could stop it, but since she stopped getting worse with the medicine, I'll keep giving it to her. It can't hurt, I suppose, in case she has another worm infestation. (?)

I feel very helpless and sad about all of this, as you do with your buns. But know that neither of us caused this to happen--we simply didn't know to seek treatment right away for occasional clumsiness.

Keep me updated on your buns!

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