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hi all

i have found a little crusty sore on the front part of lucys back

i was wondering what it could be

we have np other pets

and we havnt had any pets in our house

i thought it could be a flea bite but how

varna xxxx

Hi Varna,

Our Dutch doe S'more started to get sores on her back behind her head acouple of weeks after we got her from the shelter. At first we wereconcerned that it was parasites or possibly mange (she was molting atthe same time, but mostly on her butt). We took her to the vet just tobe sure. He was able to determine that it was not either of the two,but was not sure what it was. The next day my daughter saw herscratching like crazy in the same spot. When we checked her she hadscratched the sore open again and it was bleeding a little. That waswhen we realized that it was probably because she needed to have herback nails clipped. Sure enough when we checked her nails we discoveredthat we had missed one during her last clipping. We clipped all of hernails and that solved the problem. She still scratched a bit, but nolonger hurt herself. All of the sores healed within the next week or so.

I'm not saying that Lucy has the same problem. If possible I would take her to the vet to be sure a proper diagnosis is made.

Any "dandruff" there on her back? Tuftsof fur fallen out.? Those, along with scabs could be symptoms of furmites. Sometimes, bunnies have the mites for long periods oftime without any noticable effect, and then something happens withintheir internal systems that enable to mites to "get the upper hand" andprove to be problematic.

If not, Jim D's advice is worth checking out, or looking for someexternal source that may have caused a scratch or wound on herskin. A thorough combing with a "flea comb" should presentyou with evidence of those critters, if they are the source of theproblem.

If the flea comb extracts little bits of flea poop,whichlooks like grains of pepper, place same onapiece of white paper, add a drop of water, and if flea poop,the paper should stain red with blood residue. Livefleas in the comb will be obvious.


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