Hi people (and //[^,^] bunnies!

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This is actually CaliBunny on my sis's account. Iam so jealous of you.:XYou have so many freakinganimals!!!!!!!!! If only I had a pony...:p

CaliBunny //[^,^]\

We have lots of new bunnies and more on the way, I think....!

Ours are Blade, Isis, Sada, Osiris (guinea pig), Storm, and the newbabies are Blaze, Ebony, Jasmin, Lillith, Pewter and Phoenix. WE'vealso a dog called Lister, and a cat called Pud.

They're all gorgeous!! Isis we think is pregnant as she pulled fur anhour ago, but we only got most of them last week. Osiris and Sada wereall we had up until very recently, and we are now overrun and extremelypoor!

Lindsey and Ken

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