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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
Reaction score
, Washington, USA
hi i iz bryn. i iz aboy nethaland darf. me an my brother (hes a holland lop) just got2 new hoominz. they iz big an scarry. bugsy,dats my brother, hiddez i his littel housy. but i iz brav. i hop arond. any tips on how to handel big scarryhoominz? thanksiez by!
hoomins iz eeezy - just keep lookin cute and fluffy. make sure you iz doing cute stuff wen they is lookin - washin and groomin iz good:)

luv roxy
Ya i iz good at dooeen dat. rite now der iz a big hoomin and he seems to bee diggin or someting. hoominz iz weerd, ya?
yer hoomins ar very weerd. but my hoomins big hoomin and their wif have been digging but they use metal fing, i know cos i stepped on it once. why dont they just use deir paws. its so much mor effecivveee

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