Beloved Nomi, 2010 to March 31, 2012

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SnowyShiloh wrote:
ZRabbits, one good thing is that Nomi's death definitely hasn't had a negative effect on how I feel about the other bunnies. After Tallulah died (you weren't here when Tallulah was alive- she died suddenly at 7 months of age after struggling with severe digestive problems for much of her life, among other things, but was 100% my baby girl and I don't think any rabbit has been treasured more than she was), I was so numb that for a while I didn't feel anything for Rory and Skyler (our other bunnies at the time). I KNEW I loved them, but I was just so shattered. In Nomi's wake I feel even more love for my other bunnies. I've always loved rabbits a whole, whole lot, but I kind of feel that just how much I love them has crystallized in my mind. I don't know if that makes sense. Every single day with each of my bun buns is precious. It's easy to think that and know in your head that it's true, but I really know that now. One by one Rory, Phoebe Mae, Ned, Maximus, and Mabel will leave me, but I can treasure their company while they're here.

Deep down I don't think Nomi would have pulled through, but it's human nature to wonder :( Nomi girl sure did make a big impact in her three months with us, didn't she? I only had Lula 5 months. Goes to show that time has nothing to do with love.
You are making perfect sense. IMHO, KNOWING that kind of love, makes life much more sweeter. And makes you a better person all around. Time has nothing to do with Love. That's what these sweet animals really teach us. Cherish EVERY moment.

I learned that from a BIG White Dog named Ice. Still after 17 years, truly missed but what a gift of a life lesson he gave me.

SnowyShiloh wrote:
Deep down I don't think Nomi would have pulled through, but it's human nature to wonder :(  Nomi girl sure did make a big impact in her three months with us, didn't she?  I only had Lula 5 months.  Goes to show that time has nothing to do with love.

This is exactly how I felt after putting down Jelly last year. I deep down felt she wouldn't pull through, but I still wonder sometimes, 'What if??' (My bun Jelly had a deep ear infection for 6 months going on, terrible head tilt, and all sorts of things).

It is true: No matter how long or little you have them, they make a HUGE impact of your life-one that you'll never forget. They each teach you something new and unique. I had a bunny for only three months and losing her though was terible (and I only had to give her back to the breeder, I can't imagine if she had died). - It's just as terrible as losing a bunny you've had for years and years.
I'm sorry to hear it. I saw your post on FB and on here and didn't really know what to say other than I'm sorry to hear of your loss. I wish you the best with keeping your other bunnies healthy and am hoping for the best. RIP Nomi, you were loved.
Thanks, Kim and Mia :( If you want to know what's going on with my other buns, they have a thread going in the Infirmary subforum.

Missing you, Nomi girl. Today on another forum I saw a member named Nomi. Sad and weird.
I am so sorry, Shiloh. Our Ben passed in a very similar way when his tumor took over his chest cavity. It is very difficult to see your little darling in that situation. If it's any consolation, having you near would have calmed her a bit and made her less scared. It can be so hard to see some of these conditions and they can go downhill very fast. Just a couple of days before he died, Ben was binkying and bunny 500'ing with the best of them. It sounds like you got Nomi help very soon and she passed peacefully. You truly did everything you could for her. Binky free, sweet Nomi.
So so sorry about Nomi. I can't even imagine what I'd be feeling. It's so hard when they go fast, but you really did what you could for her. And thats a life without pain, and she was probably greatful for it.
Thanks, Claire and MiserySmith. We do miss our girl. I'm adjusting to our new normal of not having her here but it's weird and hard. So glad we have our other bunnies to love.
I know what it is to question yourself. You are one of the best bunny moms out there I have no doubt if it was possible to catch you would have.
Sorry I didn't reply until now. Sometimes I just need a couple days to think! Ali, thanks so much for the sweet compliment. It really means a lot to me. And Luvabun, so good to see you! I haven't seen you around the forum in a while. I still think about dear Pernod. Are Shador, Jester, Georgia, and Bonnie doing well? :)

We picked up our girl's ashes yesterday. The cremation price was $180 which is almost double the amount last time with Skyler (didn't know the amount until we paid), but I don't think I could stand it to have one of my bun buns thrown away at the vet clinic or cremated and thrown away which is what they do if you have a group cremation.

We got some things to remember Nomi by. One is a garden stake, it's about 4 feet tall and is a really pretty stained glass looking pink and purple flower. It just screamed Nomi when I saw it. We bought a hummingbird garden stake after Tallulah died and it's in a pot next to the door, I think of her every single time I go in the house (as well as other times of course) and I'm glad Nomi will have a special flower. I found a pretty little box with butterflies on it to put her ashes in. Need a bigger box to put all her toys in. Nomi LOVED to play and had so many toys! I want to keep them all. I also got this book by Kevin Henkes, it's SO sweet and the bunny in it is just like Nomi. I've read it every night since she died. And last of all, Paul named her after a Star Wars character and he got a tiny Nomi Sunrider figurine as well as a Nomi Sunrider comic book.

We miss our girl but are glad to have known her :(
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Can't believe my Nomi girl has been gone almost 2 months! I think about her every day. She was a one of a kind bunny.
*hugs* Certain bunnies have something extremely special about them that just stamps them on your hear a little deeper.
Today is one year since our wonderful Nomi passed away suddenly :( It feels like much longer than that. We didn't know her for long, but we loved her a lot. She was my husband's favorite. Never have we known such a smart, sassy bunny and she was so special and such a treasure! I wish we could have her back. We have Podge because of her death (I was basically looking for a bunny to fill the hole in my heart and the shelter had a huge number of rabbits that needed homes so we went for it), but I would love if she had just never died, especially since she was so young.

You will always be remembered and loved, Miss Nomi, my Nomi Balomi Girl!
:bigtears: I'm so sorry you lost your beloved Nomi! Its never easy to lose a beloved pet or person & even though time passes & the pain eases it still hurts. Glad you have Podge to help fill that void that only bunnies can fill but never replace. A cyberhug from someone who also knows the pain of the loss of a beloved companion (birds & dog in my case). By the way it was another bird that helped me get through the loss of my beloved bird & later my dog.
I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is. My childhood cat that I literally grew up with passed away almost 10 years ago now, and yet sometimes it's still a struggle. Especially around the time he passed, I always think of him, and I know I'll never forget him. But I'm so glad I still have those memories.

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