baby bun with eye cold/ bad fall

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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
, Michigan, USA
- Location--- Michigan

- Description (Breed, color., weight)--- Mini Rex, Black

- Age---young

- spayed/neutered?---No

- Notes on Fecal and Urinary Output
- are the bunny's poops and pees normal?---looks normal
- When did they last use their litterbox?---doesnt use them
- Any unusual behavior?---Nope

- Medical History -- has s/he been to the vet or been sick before?---Nope

- Diet - what does your bunny eat?--- Pellets, Hay, some veggies
- when and what did s/he eat last? ---6pm

- movement - any unusual movements? Is s/he hopping normally?--she had a bad fall

- any weight loss?---yes

- are there any plants, chocolate or other substances within reach?---No

- has the rabbit been outdoors? ---Yes they live in a shed


I really dont know how old she is. I didnt get her pedigree yet. But she's sure little. She's with an Jr Doe Black Mini Rex. They get a long with together. Well anyways yesterday when I opened the cage to feed them she desided to jump from the cage. She landed on a block. I hurry up picked her up. She wasnt moving but wasnt laying down. I checked her over to make sure no broken bones or bleeding. When I was looking at her I noticed her left eye had a little cold in her eye.. And she was a little thin too! I could feel her spine a little bit. I feed her pellets and Hay.. I brung her in the house for a few hrs to keep an eye on her..

I dont know because she was taking away from her mother to soon and wasnt getting the warmth from the other babies... Or it just been really freezing cold at night and warm during the day... I checked on her before closing the door for the night. She was eatting normal and drinking.

I take really good care of all my bunnies..

How old do you think she is? How long have you had her? Is she losing weight or just not gaining?

Is she hopping normally after her fall?

Any sign of loose stools?

She may be not thriving for whatever reason, she may have parasite/worms (take some poop to a vet and get it tested).

Or she may have picked up an infection, but an infection, the eye and anything else she may come down with could be from the stress of whatever is causing a weight loss/failure to gain weight, it's a chicken or the egg thing.

She may also have strained a body part in a fall, that seems to happen a lot, but it won't account for weight loss/failure to thrive.

sas :clover:
When I go out to feed them I watch them both eat. They eat together in the same bowl.. She doesnt push the baby around. But she could be on a thin side because maybe the bigger Doe eats in all up. I should start feeding her more.
I had her since Feb 27th. I believe she was about 6 weeks old. Not sure. After I brung her in the house and she was running around on the floor. No loose stole that I know of..
Yeah, a bunny that young needs a lot of protein. A little alfalfa hay mixed with timothy and a high-protein pellet should help.

Is she hopping normally?

sas :clover:

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