Another pee question

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Jan 21, 2007
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Lowell, Michigan, USA
Hershey is back to normal after our little scare, except for one thing. He has stopped using a litter box!

As far as I can tell, he uses his litter box in his room as normal. But when he comes up to our bedroom in the evening, he doesn't use that litter box. It's the same box he's been reliably using for months. He stands next to it and pees on the carpet. There will appear a pile of poops 3 inches away from the box. I've moved the box around to where he poops, but he still won't use the box. I tried a bigger box, no luck. Then yesterday he was in my car, and he sat next to his car litterbox, and, you guessed it, peed on the carpet!

He is his old snuggly, happy self, but what on earth is he trying to tell me here??
Has anything changed in the bedroom?

Have other animals been in there, or maybe people Hersehy doesn't know?

have you moved furniture around? (Change in the layout of his territory...)

No new animals. No new people. No rearranging furniture. The only thing different is that he used to have an xpen in the bedroom. NowI connected NIC squares and put them around places I didn't want him to go, like around the bed, etc.

Nothing has changed in the car either.

I cleaned his room several days ago, and I must say, he is keeping that room *neater* than before! I don't know if I like this change or not!

BTW, he's a 1.5 yo neutered male.
I wonder - does he have more space now than when he was in the ex-pen?

When I take Nibbles into other rooms, I usually take her "main" litterbox. That seems to help, though occasionally she'll leave some poops here and there, which I more or less expect her to do.

I don't mind the poops here and there, it's the peeing and the big piles of poops that get to me!

Yes, he has more room now than he did in his xpen. But that doesn't explain him ignoring his litter box in the car. He just seems to be plane naughty! lol!
It could also be his age. He is in his teenage years. It might be a combo of that and more space.

Have you tried putting hay in the litter box? That way he has to jump in there to munch.

Maybe he's trying to tell you he needs a girlfriend :p
I'm also thinking that more space = need to explore/mark, but that's just a guess - I really wish I could know exactly what's happening between those ears. :)

Haley's point (about his age) is also a good one. My girl did things like this when she was a "teen," but doesn't now (for the most part - she's still naughty, though!)
The teen thingy makes sense. My own children were horrible teenagers, why wouldn't Hershey be horrible! LOL!

It's not really that much room, just envision adding a couple of sections on to a xpen and you'd get the picture.

Oh, Haley, as to needing friends, he DOES have some. See my post in the general chat forum! lol!
Quick update:

The last couple of nights Hershey has been in the bedroom w/ us "watching" t.v. He has been perfect! Only a few stray poopies, that I can deal w/!

Every now and then we will be on the bed watching t.v. and there will be the sound of little scrambling feet and a bunny head will pop up over the edge of the bed! Up come Hershey! And he has behaved very well on the bed too!

Aww Im so glad he's being a good boy.

Im so in love with Hershey. I swear he and Max must be related. Where did Hershey come from?

He looks so much like Max in the face. And Max is a bed bunny as well- he jumps up every morning at 7 AM to wake me up :)
Oh my gosh, what a sweet story!

I think he was just getting settled in, golfdiva. ;)

Some of your stories about him remind me a *lot* of my bun, Nibbles, who is a feisty little b&w Dutch. (And a "she.")
Is Hershey doing better with the poo/pee problem?

Toby does that too. He pees right next to the box and leaves piles of poo within two inches of his box! He does this every couple of days. He won't do it for a long time, then he will do it for a few days, then it will stop again. I bought some spray pet cleaner from Wal*Mart. It's for cats, but it gets rid of bunny pee-super fast! If you can see it on the carpet, you spray this stuff on, and it disappears in seconds. He normally doesn't go in that spot again. :)
Actually, I thought he was over it, until yesterday! I cleaned his room and found several playce where he peed on the floor! One place where he went several times is right next to a litter box! (He has two litter boxes in his room!) I closed off some of the room, so two of the places he likes to pee are no longer accessable.

Good thing it's just in the animal room! He is doing much better when he is upstairs in our room. Still quite a lot of stray pooping, but I can handle that much easier!

Thanks for asking!
Do you have a "significant other" that Hershey is wee-ing by? My bun, Toby, only wee's where my boyfriend, Will, is. IF Toby wee's on the bed, it's on Will's side. Under the bed, there we little marking spots all over Will's side of the bed, too. He will only go on stuff that is Will's or on his side of the bedroom! Here's my post about my trials and tribulations with Toby's marking problem:

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