Acupuncture in head tilt bunnies

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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2008
Reaction score
, Massachusetts, USA
Has anyone had acupuncture on their bunny with a residual head tilt?
If so:
-What sort of results did you end up with?
-How frequently are treatments performed?
-Is there a list of Acupuncturists who treat rabbits?
-Are there any recommended in the MA/NH area? (I live in the Boston area and am willing to travel within about 1.5 hours)
-Approximate costs?

I don't have a lot of money to spend, but if there's a decent chance Wally could right his head, I'd be willing to spend the money. I do feel that he has partial paralysis in his face as his ear and lip noticeable droop and his eye on that side is almost completely closed.. does this effect the outcome?

I've read about acupuncture and physical therapy.. the PT I can't really do.. he's so scared about being picked up that I feel I'm doing more harm than good when I try to exercise his neck.. so I'm hoping that acupuncture could make a difference for him.

Wally gets around great and doesn't seem to mind his head tilt in most cases.. but it does present some issues with him and if it's possible that it would resolve, I know he'd be happier.

Any advice would be great, thanks!
I don't have any experience with acupunture at all in animals or humans but I did find this link in Kathy Smith/Lucille Moore book

Kathy Smith has devoted an entire chaper on accupressure and acupuncture and it's use

you may want to pm krsbunny (who is Kathy Smith)and hopefully she will respond as she has used acupuncture in her rabbits

and I also advise getting a copy of this book

"When Your Rabbit needs Special care Traditonal and Alternative Healing Methods."
Lucille C. Morre, Kathy Smith


You know.. that book is sitting right next to me and I didn't even read the full title, haha. I will definitely read through it. I also emailed the disabled rabbit yahoo group and got some positive feedback there, with one case that the rabbit's head tilt almost disappeared completely.. so that's promising.
So Wally had his first acupuncture session on Monday. It went very well. First he was getting used to his surroundings and was hopping all over the table. When the doctor started, he put the first needle in a place that's supposed to be calming. He mushed right down into the table and just chilled out. It was surprising. He wasn't flinching or stressing about any of the needles going in.
As the doctor put one further down his back he sort of hopped up and got all worked up. The vet thought it was irritating him in that spot so he took it out. Wally continued circling around the table. The vet gave him some lettuce and we just sat trying to pet him and calm him down. Then he backs up, pees on the table, hops directly back to the center and lays down, as if to say "okay, I'm good. Continue." And he seemed to totally enjoy the rest of the session.

I don't know yet if it will help his head tilt, but I'm hoping. He's also having me do some PT where I make him move his neck in certain positions daily. I wish that I'd gotten him sooner and could have tried this, but hopefully we'll see an improvement regardless.
On another note, HRN had recommended the vet I went to, knew I was going, and asked if I'd be able to get a picture for an article in their upcoming newsletter. So here's a few pictures of Wally getting his acupuncture:


Cool! It will be great to know about this. I think the PT will definitely help too. Thanks for the update!

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