A girly sleepover

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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2008
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Northamptonshire, , United Kingdom
Its my birthday next Sunday and for my party I'm having 4 friends round for a sleepover/slumber party!!
But I can't think what to buy for stuff to do?
A few games I can think of atm are Twister, Truth or Dare, Headbandz... thats it lol!
So if anyone can think of any games for 14 year olds it will be much appreciated :D
And I need to think what else to buy like face masks,sweets etc


[align=center]FREEZE DANCE! Oh man, I was the freeze dance queen.

Have someone turn down the volume and everyone dancing has to freeze and not laugh until the music starts again.
Whoever laughs has to turn down the volume next, or something like that.

It sounds kind of lame but it was really fun. :p

I love watching horror films on sleepovers, it's so funny cause everyone is screaming and stuff :p

For sweets go to like Aldi or Lidl, to me they have the nicest sweets and they are cheap buy some jellys, buy some chocolate, buy some taytos/crisps, whatever you call them in England. Buy fizzy drinks too, I always have a couple of different types. Buy a two litre bottle of fizzy orange, coke and a lemon and lime drink, like 7up.

If you want to have some hot food just buy things like Pizza, they are the easiet thing to cook and everyone likes them. Stick to plain toppings, buy like large pizzas, one with just cheese and one with cheese and pepperoni.
Popcorn!! Popcorn is the best!

You could, buy pizza bases or base mix, some cheese and tomato pizza topping and then just regular pizza toppings like ham, mushrooms, pineapple, peppers, cheesse, etc etc and then you can make your own pizzas with the toppings you each want on them. Cheaper and fun to do as well!

You can buy sachets of face mask in Boots or Superdrug quite cheaply, I forget what they're called now but they're about 99p each I think and pretty good! Paint each other's toenails maybe?

Not sure on games.... We never got round to games when I had sleepovers- we just got carried away laughing and eating instead lol! :D
Bad horror movies are always good, but then again I'm a guy...

Most of the time we'd all just lie around at my friends parties. We were usually too full of food.
But if it's all girls... I dunno you could practice making out... that's what my ex's told me they used to do at sleep overs... DON'T TRY AND TELL ME OTHERWISE!
LOL at Dave!
Thanks for the great ideas guys!
I don't think spooky stories and films will be happening lol because my little sister is going to be there and she has nly just recovered from the last incident :p

- Makeovers.

- Doing each others nails.

- If you have makeup, get some cotton swabs and do each others makeup (Use cotton swabs to apply, because bacteria)

- Have a massage line *My Fav =)* Sit in a line one behind another and give each other massages, then every 4 minutesmake the first person move to the back and continue, also, you could get the first person who has their hands free to read aloud a magazine.

- Prank phone calls

- Get feather boa's , tell your friends to wear cute underwear -or bathing suits if thats more comfterble for them- and dance around your room singing into hair brushes with the boas on.

- Make a time capsul and burry it.

- Play a card game I made... =) Get a deck of cards and throw them face down in a pile (kind of like go fish) and then tell everyone to pick up 1 card. Whoever has the highest card has to ask the person with the lowest card a question, or a dare.

- Make cookies or cupcakes

- Play Charades

- Ask if you can camp outside in your backyard, in a tent

- Get plain t-shirts and sharpie or linen markers and design someone elses *Thats in your sleepover*

- Instead of ordering pizza, make it yourself

- Make necklaces

- Make-your-own sundaes

- Play wouldyou rather

* I cannot be held responsable for the trouble you may or may not get in :whistling
Invite some boys that'd help solve the problem :D
then play truth or dare always fun lol, but never fun if its only girls lol. water bombs are always a classic. I don't know what season you're in but my birthday is always in the summer so go down to beach if you can :)
Thanks guys!
I am so excited lol - I love sleepovers! Its going to be nice waking up on my birthday will all my friends :hearts:

Me and my friend brought some bubbles and when it gets dark we're going to turn the music up loud and go outside and blow bubbles in the dark..(i love bubbles lol)

Thats should be great! Also we're going to play pin the tail on the donkey...don't ask me why my friend suggested it and it will be...fun? LOL
Get some sparklers! (the ones you light on fire and draw with in the air)

Silly quizzes from teen magazines... y'know your perfect crush, etc.

Do eachother's makeup!

Borrow a video camera and take some ridiculous movies.... look up this site for some movie re-makes:
Or you can do your own versions of music videos... I remember doing Mambo #5 with my friends.. some of them still have copies of the tape :)

Check out this site: http://www.swededmovies.org/sweded-movies-search.asp?s=0&mode=rnd

Always make your own food... sooo much more fun... Can do a number of specialty popcorn seasonings too :)

I second Brandy... Prank calls! to cute boys, etc. Do it from a payphone though, so they can't caller ID you :biggrin2:
I am queen at failing to have creative ideas when friends come over. I think that's why most of the time I rather go to someone else's house. :rollseyes

I think the freeze dance sounds pretty fun! :p

mouse_chalk wrote:
then just regular pizza toppings like ham, mushrooms, pineapple, peppers, cheesse, etc etc
I had to laugh. I don't know about over where you are but here the "regular" toppings are more like pepperoni and sausage. :p

NorthernAutumn wrote:
I second Brandy... Prank calls! to cute boys, etc. Do it from a payphone though, so they can't caller ID you :biggrin2:

Or hide your phone number.. :p

We use *67 to hide it.. I dont know about you though
LOL Mum brought face masks today so that will be funny!
I'm excited! :D
If you have a home bargains, definitely go have a look around there! It is super cheap for make up, nail polish, face masks, games, drinks, sweets etc.

Lmao @ Brandy: * I cannot be held responsable for the trouble you may or may not get in :whistling
Brandy456 wrote:
- Prank phone calls

I laughed at this cause it brought back a flood of memories....ohh gosh lol...me and my friends had a blast when we were young.

Sleep overs used to be the best!

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