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  1. dolly87

    Video of Mac (my bun son)

    A couple of things: 1. Mind my messy room, I am in the process of moving back from school. 2. Mind Mac's cage, today is cleaning day & it s a bit messy. 3. Mac was busy exploring & in no mood to be picked up, but I did anyway just to show you! 4. Enjoy!:bunnydance...
  2. dolly87

    Baby food?

    Okay, thanks! I was just wondering because vegetables seem to go bad quickly & what not. I think I will just stick to vegetables!
  3. dolly87

    my pet shop rant

    That is absolutely horrible! I HATE going into pet stores because I know that: A) There are perfectly good pets that need to be adopted & B) The care given to these poor guys are usually HORRIBLE. I honestly would inquire to the ASPCA about these people!
  4. dolly87


    WELCOME! Your Netherland Dwarf looks a bit like my Mac! I also love the coloring on your Charlie & your Storm! All your buns are adorable & I am glad that you have rescued some of your buns :bunnydance: WELCOME! WELCOME! WELCOME!
  5. dolly87

    Food Bowls

    Hey, Nicole! I had an idea for you, if its not TOO late. I would cut some holes in it turn in over so the mouth of the bowl is on the ground & stick some hay on the inside, pulling hay through the holes. This MIGHT deter buns from chewing on it as they are occupied with the hay. Even if they do...
  6. dolly87


    HOLY CAGE! It looks wonderful! :highfive: May I ask how you have the room for such a wonderful cage? Makes me feel like a bad bunny mom, Mac is limited to his three foot cage until space allows a bigger one! Just wondering!
  7. dolly87

    Nails! Nails! Nails!

    I mustered up the guts to just buy some clippers & try. Mac was a truly GREAT sport! :yes: I wrapped him in a towel, put him in my arms like a baby, & at one point he even looked like he was going to fall asleep. I have discovered a problem, his nails are indeed black & I cannot see the quick...
  8. dolly87

    Baby food?

    I have been YouTubing some videos of rabbits & I saw one rabbit eating baby food! Have you ever fed your rabbit baby food? Is this a good idea? Looking for things to feed my bun :pinkbouce:
  9. dolly87


    Adorable little girl :)
  10. dolly87

    Moulting in December?

    Mac is molting as well! I was actually wondering the same thing :D
  11. dolly87

    Nails! Nails! Nails!

    Alright, I have a bit of a tricky situation here. My bun needs his nails trimmed BAD. He is not neutered though & I am afraid to even try & clip his nails because although he is not mean, he is skittish & I can get him on his back & he goes into that almost bunny coma, but will shake himself...
  12. dolly87

    Need Advice

    I understand, I also feel judged on here rather than helped. I am a HUGE proponent of finding homes for rabbits & ALL animals rather than putting them in shelters. I could never live with not knowing what happened to Mac if he was at a shelter. I also know that I took on a responsibility that...
  13. dolly87

    Need Advice

    There will be no way he will be able to be out of his cage while at home when I move back home in January. I have a dog & a very small house. I should get him neutered & it has nothing to do with him being messy. Yes, the mess sucks, but I still love him & love to hold him. He's just trapped & I...
  14. dolly87

    Need Advice

    I bought Mac, my bunny, in September & at first I had a ton of time to play with him & keep his cage clean. Yet, as my semester moved on it got too busy & then Mac matured & hit his puberty. He started throwing his bedding around & he no longer wanted to be around me. He chewed up my purse & a...
  15. dolly87

    Rabbit Bit & Broke Skin

    Alright, ladies & gentlemen! I have scheduled the pre-neutering vet visit! I feel bad neutering him, but I don't feel like getting bit all the time!
  16. dolly87

    Rabbit Bit & Broke Skin

    Alright, ladies & gentlemen! I have scheduled the pre-neutering vet visit! I feel bad neutering him, but I don't feel like getting bit all the time!
  17. dolly87

    Rabbit Bit & Broke Skin

    Yeah, he is 15 weeks, I guess I will have to look into getting him neutered!
  18. dolly87

    Rabbit Bit & Broke Skin

    I am really upset with him right now. I do not know what set him off.. I think it might be a combination of him not being out of his cage a lot this week, I have also been working with trying to get him comfortable with me petting him, & my alarm was annoying him yesterday to the point to where...
  19. dolly87

    Rabbit Bit & Broke Skin

    My pet rabbit charged at me, bit my finger, and broke the skin. Is there anything I need to do? Go to the doctor etc?
  20. dolly87

    New Rabbit Owner in Illinois

    Thank you all for the warm welcome! & thank you for the name ideas! I have chosen to name my little guy Mac, I think its simple, short, & cute. Plus, I am a fan of Macintosh & since I recently lost my Macbook due to a coffee accident, so this is a sort of memorial to my Macbook :D Here are some...