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  1. Rachel89

    Dizzee & Diva

    Thankyou, I think Iv'e managed to remove the gigantic pictures :headsmack Woke up to a little bit of snow today, Dizzee had seen snow before and doesn't seem overly bothered by it. But this is Divas first time in snow, although she really didn't mind at all, too busy trying to find grass to...
  2. Rachel89

    Dizzee & Diva

    Now were to start :) I adopted my boy Dizzee just over 3years ago, about a year and a half ago he had to have his hind leg amputated after an injury. Once he was recovered well enough we set out trying to find him the perfect partner :bunnysuit: After alot of failed bonds or just not taking...
  3. Rachel89


    Thank you
  4. Rachel89


    I did an introduction post in so long ago, thought I would introduce myself again. I now currently have 1 bunny, Dizzee, I adopted him 2years ago when he was 5months old. Sadly he is now a lonely bun, last november he had an accident which resulting in having one of his back...
  5. Rachel89

    Dig those Dutch!

    everyones dutches are soooo cute. Heres my dutch Dizzee
  6. Rachel89

    The life and times of Little-Marge MacBunnington

    awww, what a sad but happy ending story, she is just beautiful x
  7. Rachel89

    Hello :)
