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  1. petlover

    Pregnant Mouse?

    My brother and sister got two mice for Christmas, from petsmart, supposedly two males. I've looked atthem of course, but never really paid much attention but today I was watching themand I notice that 1 mouse looks quite plump. It basically looks like s/he blew up over night. I looked up sexing...
  2. petlover

    R.I.P Izzy

    We found Izzabella in a cornfield when she was a week or so old, covered in mud and crawling around trying to find her mom. We took her in, cleaned her up, and fed her. We bottle fed her but we also caught the maybe mom, a stray cat that had given birth recently, and brought her in to help nurse...
  3. petlover

    Word Association - 2010

    Chocolate :)
  4. petlover

    I'm not exactly new :-)

    Thanks everyone :) I totally forgot I posted this haha Not sure if I should post pics here or somewhere else or both.... Both can't hurt though :P I can't seem to find any of PB and Sky, I know I have some....:dunno
  5. petlover

    Word Association - 2010

  6. petlover

    Anyone else own rats?

    Here's my newest, Static. Just picked him up yesterday, andhe's already got me wrapped around his little paw :inlove:
  7. petlover

    Word Association - 2010

  8. petlover

    Anyone else own rats?

    I'm so sorry for your loss :( R.I.P Kip
  9. petlover

    Word Association - 2010

  10. petlover

    What are your bunnies favorite toys?

    My boy loves cardboard, his favorite is by far a paper towel roll filled with hay and some carrot pieces :D We've bought him many toys over the years and he never shows any interest. He does have a plastic cat ball that he'll toss around every once and a while.
  11. petlover

    Anyone else own rats?

    Thank you :)
  12. petlover

    Word Association - 2010

    Blood :\
  13. petlover

    Anyone else own rats?

    Thought I might add afew more of my boys. :biggrin: Chewbacca who passed away March 21, 2010. He was such a good natured fellow, if not for him I wouldn't have grown to be so passionate of rats. Here he is with me Jaqotay.He'sa tad bit aggressive and he really dislikes the camera flash. But...
  14. petlover

    Anyone else own rats?

    Tumors are such big problem for rats. :( Chewbacca had three small ones near the end of his time, but they weren't causing any problems and his health would have prevented medical treatment if they had needed it. He ended up passing of old age though. Anaira - Loving the pic of Cyrus! Too...
  15. petlover

    Word Association - 2010

  16. petlover

    Anyone else own rats?

    angieluv wrote: That could def be a part of it. Those rats most likely came from a petstore, and the petstore most likely got them from a mill/backyard breeder. If you bought from a breeder, a good one, they would be working on breeding more healthy rats. Of course any rat can develop...
  17. petlover

    Anyone else own rats?

    Happi Bun wrote: Aw! They are all so adorable! But I love Zee's colors. I'm possibly going to try and find a Siamese Dumbo :)
  18. petlover

    Anyone else own rats?

    Brearune wrote: I'd say if you really want rats, get them. 3 of my cats were not raised around rats, 2 out of those three let the rats crawl on them and do whatever they please really. The other one is just kind of indifferent she wont bother them so long as they don't come near her first...
  19. petlover

    Anyone else own rats?

    Thank you! For me it's better to have and lose than to never have them at all. It does hurt tremendously when they go, but I feel like it's worth it! And yes I would love pictures! :D
  20. petlover

    Anyone else own rats?

    I understand that :( It's hard to go through. But I can't see myself without rats now. I'm thinking about saving 1 or 2 feeder rats from certain death when I get new ones, it wont make it any easier when they pass but atleast I know I saved them from something horrible ya know?