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Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. C

    oh heavens, to bun or not to bun

    MyLOVEABLES!! wrote: Agreed!
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    Me and Ske-Doooosh- Post Ike..

    Wow, your bun is absolutely gorgeous. And congrats on the engagement!
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    I have a Silly Bunny Story

    SnowyShiloh wrote: Yup. Buns certainly do have junk in the trunk. Bunny gots back. ;)
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    What's the difference?

    Hey everyone. I'm new to this so I was hoping someone could help me out... I wanted to get another Rabbit for Milly to play with and I was wondering, what is the difference between bonding two Rabbits and just having two as "friends"? Since she's a dwarf would it be best to get another small...
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    Flea Bombing

    Thank you for responding... And yes, it's full of fleas. We ended up talking to a company around here called FleaBusters, apparently they inject a powder into the carpet and it's free of chemicals. The only problem, is my Dad is really tight on money (who isn't?), but if it's the only safe...
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    Flea Bombing

    Hi, I'm new here. I'm 18 and I have a 3 month old Dwarf rabbit that I just got a couple of weeks ago. I must say, rabbits are completely underrated. Milly has so much spunk and personality...they're the forgotten pet ;) Maybe I'm being overly cautious, but... I have heard a lot of...