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  1. rbaker_86

    Mr. Rabbit

    One of my rabbits died today (not sure why) it waswhite rabbit (he was also called mr. rabbit and was aREW lionhead) i relly dont care why he died he was in good health and what not and the one (thumper) is in good health too ill post some pictures of him later i dont feel up to it right now. he...
  2. rbaker_86

    Sushi Any One???

    i agree,it isn't good when it gets warm i ate some last night and finally tried eel (very good mabey new 2nd fave) Tuna Roll (plain) - 2 Salmon Roll (plain) - 2 Tuna - 2 Salmon - 3 Crab - 2 Eel - 1 Scalop - 1 Sweet Shirmp - 3 with steamed rice and somemushroom (miso i think is what it...
  3. rbaker_86

    Sushi Any One???

    lol you daughter get major kudos from me. ive got a ebi winde up toy and it rolls around the rabbits cant figure it out its so funnytheyll get scared then come back to to see whats up
  4. rbaker_86

    7 UP Commercial

    heres another good one (it's older)it's the skittles rabbit commercial it still makes make laugh
  5. rbaker_86

    Sushi Any One???

    Elf Mommy wrote: finally some one who likes it too i guess im not crazy for liking it
  6. rbaker_86

    Sushi Any One???

    actually not all of it is raw meat. ebi (cooked shrimp) is just sushi rice with a shrimp on top the pink stuff (top right) is pickeled ginger and below it is wasabi (japanese horseraddish) theres also roes which are the eggs of the animal (salmon roe -salmon eggs), egg sushi, and veggie...
  7. rbaker_86

    Does any one watch...???

    I was wondering what everyone likes to watch on tv??? what i like Shows CSI (las vegas, miami, new york) Startreck (voyger, enterprise, the next gen., ect..) Bleach (adult swim [cartoon network]) Stargate SG1/Atlantis Death Note (adult swim) family guy (adult swim) those are what...
  8. rbaker_86

    Answer / Ask Game

    the gangster wanna-bes that just moved in beside my apartment Apple or PC??
  9. rbaker_86

    I just had my first filling :(

    dont drink so many soft drinks or drinks high in sugar but if you do you can rinse youre mouth out with water. try to drink more water instead of the soft drinks. getting a filling is nothing compared to getting teeth pulled or having them cut out though. im getting my wisdom teeth taken the...
  10. rbaker_86

    What's on your MP3 player?

    MY fave playlist (its MOSTLY 90's ALT Rock with some older stuff too) Midlife Crisis - Faith No More Pistol Grip Pump - Rage Against The Machine Plush - Stone Temple Poilets Mojo - Peeping Tom Them Bones - Alice In Chains Welcome to the Jungle - Guns & Roses Mother - Danzig...
  11. rbaker_86

    7 UP Commercial

    i cant figure out which one i like more the belching bunny or the one that hides the 7up lol and sorry bout the link i tried making it a flash object and WMA and the others but it didnt work does any know how to do that so the vid appears on the post?
  12. rbaker_86

    Sushi Any One???

    Does any one else like sushi? i love it. my faves are salmon, tuna, crab, sweet shrimp. Ive had octopus, scalop, shrimp, and yellow tail also. i think in a few weeks im going to try eel.
  13. rbaker_86


    i smoked for 3 year (wow so long right) and i got sick with stomach flu one day and after i got better i just threw my pack out and havnt smoked since. i miss the way they smell unlit in the package when you first open them though esp. camel filter which is what i smoked good luck to anyone...
  14. rbaker_86

    I have to go to the dentist tomorrow... ARGH!!!!!!

    i hope its not painful, friday last week i had surgery on my right ring finger because i had broken a chip out of it while i was intertoobing on lake Barkley in KY :grumpy: i spent 3 hours waiting for surgery with an IV (it wasnt too cold) and spent like 30 min in surgery whats up with that...
  15. rbaker_86

    I have to go to the dentist tomorrow... ARGH!!!!!!

    i have to get all my wisdom teeth taken out on the 29th :(but at least its only 3 because thats all ive got
  16. rbaker_86

    Video Games

    i like simulator games but my fave is racing so naturally i love gran turismo. the latest is awsome (gran turismo prologue) but its not for some one that quits easy. id sugest renting it first but i went and bought it the day it came out and was the 2nd person in town to have a copy :Di also...
  17. rbaker_86

    7 UP Commercial

    im not sure if anyone else has posted this or not but if so here it is again i love it
  18. rbaker_86

    Lionhead Lovers List

    heres mine. It's a REW and his name is White Rabbit (Alice in Wonderland) more pics to come and i was wondering if anyone had pictures of a BEW Lion Head. Im looking to buy one but i like the ones with out a full mane like the one i have.
  19. rbaker_86

    Insect problems with food???

    yeah but its not that big a deal i used about half before i noticed them any way but i did tell him about the flys
  20. rbaker_86

    Insect problems with food???

    i did get rid of all the food and they arnt in my food (flower, sugar, pasta boxes, ect) they were getting infested bad for a while but ive used a 3M lent roller to catch and kill them and i havent seen them for a few days so im thinking it was the chow. maybe there was a hole in the sack some...