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  1. A

    WARNING: never trust a rabbit in their herb garden

    Note that they left the signs in place and in tact. Mine would have eaten the tags first then went for the vegetation! Cardboard is a delicacy around here! LOL
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    Scottish Bunnies

    Look close at the last pic... he has a Mona Lisa grin going on
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    Introducing Georgie, formally known as Laser!

    Would it be too corny to call him Bamm Bamm lol.. after all they are a famous pair
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    Grape leaves

    I have looked at every forbidden food list available and grape leaves are not listed on any of the good or bad lists, so am right back where I started lol
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    Grape leaves

    My neighbour has grape vines growing along our fence (chopped most of them down on my side) I think the suckers like my yard because they are coming back over the fence again. Question is (and I can not seem to find any info), can the rabbits eat grape leaves?
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    Hmmm..How to make a cage?

    try the cheapy ones at the dollar stores... that is what I used
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    Hmmm..How to make a cage?

    I bought cookie racks and attached them to the sides of the cage. The wires are close enough together that they can't get thru it and if you put them on their sides they run opposite to the crate bars.. worked fine for me... no escapees
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    Horrid bunny dream :(

    Have had plenty of dreams about my pets but this one sticks out the most. I dreamt that I was going to the basement to clean out the cages.. when I get down there one of the rabbits is out of the cage. I go to scoop her up and put her back in, and as soon as I pick her up another rabbit...
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    Alright Don't Think I am Crazy

    The first thing he will tell you is Thank you.. the second will be I love you! Mine told me their names. I am not that imaginative lol
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    How to Make a Grate for an Existing Litterbox?

    You could try plastic canvas... have used this before .. I get the one with the largest holes and it is really easy to clean up too
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    True facts about bunnies....

    Bunnies know when you have spent to much time in your hundreds of bunny forums... they jump in the middle of your keyboard so you can't see the screen, one of my rabbits is adept at typing the word.... "dsishdiundisnhu", and instinctually knows where the enter button is. Bunny owners know when...
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    10 Life Lessons My Rabbit Taught Me

    Please feel free BSAR to reprint them. I realize that Emily... these 10 lessons were from MY bunnies lol. Annie got picked up by the scruff once by a kid and she let a nice screech out of her. I got in contact with the author of the above book andafter talking about the book, I sent her...
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    10 Life Lessons My Rabbit Taught Me

    As I said, we miss so much around us when we refuse to open our eyes. I have a rabbit that is absolutely terrified of carrots, she cowers in the corner when her cage mate enjoys one. I have learned to give them when they are in free time. These lessons have just come to me recently, after...
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    10 Life Lessons My Rabbit Taught Me

    I have had many rabbits through the years. Each one that has passed over the bridge has a special place in my heart and my fondest memories. I have had very good rabbits and very bad rabbits. They have taught me many lessons in courage, trust, respect and love. Sometimes those lessons were...