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  1. Dev2C

    Fixapalooza 2012

    SnowyShiloh wrote: Is that ironic?
  2. Dev2C

    Help - How do I decide whether or not to euthanise?

    I'm so sorry to hear about your Alaska :( Poor girl. I agree that she needs to be treated with stronger medication, and I think waiting until Tuesday is too long. She needs to see a rabbit savvy vet as soon as possible. Also, don't think of aggressive treatments as being harder on Alaska...
  3. Dev2C

    Rory and Skyler got a baby sister!

    These are two videos of new rabbit Shiloh took last night: If you can't view them, install VLC (in the same folder there), or you can wait for her to upload them to her photobucket account :)
  4. Dev2C

    Another Computer Question

    HoneyPot wrote: Correct. A new Firewire PCI card is reasonably inexpensive (I'd say $30-40) and pretty easy to install. SOOOSKA: The salesmen you talked to were wrong; most computers nowadays don't come with firewire ports, unless it's an Apple. Very few devices are firewire only, so...
  5. Dev2C

    Rory, Skyler and Phoebe Mae

    SnowyShiloh wrote: SnowyShiloh wrote: Couple years? More like 20 days ;-)